Reviews for Who am I?
Howling2themoon chapter 21 . 4/14/2017
badwolffor3ver chapter 21 . 1/29/2017
please continue this. it's soon good. Can't wait to see how liking reacts when he sees Harley again x
pietoraven36 chapter 19 . 1/2/2016
MU5IC-FRE4K chapter 15 . 10/20/2015
Oh my god that Story is incredibly awesome up to now! Kaden is a really great friend, that he didn't run away from Haley
I had my suspicion that Haley was at least partly Migardian - because of her Name - but part Frost Giant, I didn't expect that one
I can't waiting to see when and how she is going to tell Loki that they are actually related by blood. Please continue soon! I love it
Guest chapter 15 . 10/19/2015
But...will Kaden remain loyal to her? The prejudice between these two races runs quite deep, and one can never know who their real friends are until a life-or-death moment. I wonder, who are Haley's?
So, they've played the Laufey card, Haley has Loki's heritage figured, Kaden knows her secret, her mother was mortal and Odin has fallen...asleep. : ) I find it hilarious that whenever I check there's an update, no matter the day I check. Hmm, I should be writing about the plans proposed during the constitutional convention right now. Homework slight procrastination Pressure I do better
XD No, it's due Friday and the rough's done. Enough about me, I got sidetracked. For every story, there's a level the person writes at. Lemme use an ABCD system for a moment. Say the person can describe, flow, and create an un-boring story, but struggles with keeping everything together at once. (Hence, the forgetting-people-in-a-room situation) They could write like a "B" and within that B, there's some small changes that they could apply; switch a word here, flip that sentence around...etc. In short, I cannot attempt to change the level anyone writes at, but I can offer suggestions at that level. That strength of writing is decided by you, and only you can change the style, whilst others can critique at that level. Hope I made sense. : )
P.S. ( Post-script, if you ever wondered ) Take everything into consideration, or, to put it simply, look at your character through another character's eyes when writing about more than one person. ( Person being an insomniac by themselves versus conversation in a library ) Alright, that's about it for me.
P.S.S Two of the best fanfics I've read are : Red by ( I'm not quite sure, but, simple title) it's a Naruto fanfic.
2: When a Lioness Fights by ( I remembered, wow!) kayly siverstorm.
Good night/morning/afternoon,
Sincerely, -B ( I felt this was a bit long...sorry.) ((I might do it again)) This is why I end up getting the "longest essay in the class" label.
pietoraven36 chapter 15 . 10/19/2015
This is super exciting! I don't know what you meant about it because it fits perfectly!
Guest chapter 14 . 10/11/2015
Woot! : ) I love your story progression! I don't think that the story is going too slow or too fast. And, even though the chapters are somewhat short, they leave you feeling like a great many things happened, and give you time to brood on what the next will contain. ( As far as I know, I am the only/same reviewer named Guest within your reviews.
As distinction, I'll sign this one.
Anyway, thank you for another astounding chapter
Guest chapter 13 . 9/28/2015
Hmm...? Does/will Odin learn about Haley from the guard...and Loki...Would not the frost giants report back to their leader on her...
Hmph. This chapter gave me a lot to think about
o.o I should be doing my homework, though.
Freaking English/science honors. Double-whammy
Guest chapter 11 . 9/8/2015
Yes, I am the guest that checked last time right after you updated...anyway! Another chapter! *Must read*

O.O I...did not expect that, amazing twist!
I don't have any tips to offer, but I will say that you have quite good grammar and spelling ( In a well-written story, in a good part, a bad misspell can change the entire mood by mistake ) and you don't forget anyone when they're all in a room together. Thank you, dear writer for making this story, as always, I hope you stay with it till the end...and perhaps after that too
pietoraven36 chapter 11 . 9/8/2015
Oh that is jsut terrible! BUT awesome! Now Loki has a buddy!
ThePhantomismyLove chapter 10 . 9/6/2015
Please write more
pietoraven36 chapter 10 . 8/30/2015
OOOOOO they're in a cell together this could get ugly! I love Loki and he is such a good older brother! I love it! update! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 8/24/2015
I saw this update when I was checking through stories I'm waiting on to be updated, and I literally went...Yessssss!
pietoraven36 chapter 9 . 8/24/2015
This is written very well! I love Loki because he is just so in chapter and so sweet! Please update and have more Loki!
pietoraven36 chapter 7 . 8/8/2015
This is exciting! I love it when loki is a sweetheart and you nail him so well!
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