Reviews for Man of Discretion
hillevi chapter 4 . 12/30/2017
Mhmm... I think Bates good side only came out with Lord Grantham and with Anna. With others he is indifferent or scary, as with Mrs Hughes , I really never understood why she liked him so much.
hillevi chapter 3 . 12/30/2017
I understand Vera's bitterness, she's a thief, I know but I think he hurt her badly.
hillevi chapter 2 . 12/30/2017
Interesting! Shows where Bates and Roberts respect and loyalty towards each other comes from.
Interesting addition with Salter, and the way you can make one see a person, by a few lines is remarkable.
hillevi chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
I really never liked Bates, but I doesn't matter when you write about him. This is a very impressive first chapter that portraits Bates perfectly.
lemacd chapter 3 . 5/6/2016
This chapter. This. This is the best thing ever.

- the historical context (war, the public reaction to the war) is marvelous and contributes so much to the mood and turmoil happening inside john bates.
- how you do Vera, omgosh sooooo amazing. The words you use to describe her: a conjurer, garrulousness, frivolity, reckless... and probably most importantly, liar and thief. Her klepto tendencies is an interesting interpretation, one that I'm very inclined to accept as part of my headcanon. Because as much as you really do make a case for how abusive Bates is to her (shutting her out, turning his sharp tongue on any attempt she makes at pleasing him, seeing her hurt and not even caring), she is still a shrew, a bit of a sociopath, and really horrible. Because, that belt buckle... what an amazing detail. Again, you connect so many dots I didn't even realize were flying so loose.
- he confesses to be guilty. they know he isn't. and he isn't. and he is. it's all so... gloriously done.
- AND THIS IS MY ULTIMATE FAVORITE PART OF THE WHOLE THING RIGHT HERE: "It does not matter that she did not have much to give, but only that she gave him everything she had. He used it until it was of use to him no more, and then spurned her. He has ruined her life... She is still entitled to fair treatment and she never got that from him... He owes her and this will be his payment of debt." This is the best, THE best, explanation of how Bates ruined Vera's life. Until I read this, it always seemed that it was yet another example of Bates blaming himself for other people's choices. As someone that ships Bates and Anna into the sunset and beyond, this is one of those things that is quite tedious... yeah, we get it, John, everything bad that happens is somehow always your fault. But in a way that I can tolerate, most of the time this is presented as noble and somewhat endearing. But in this case, you gave it very strong legs to stand on. He did ruin her life by not caring the least amount it would take to stop her from herself.
- again with the debts... this time, he owes himself. so beautiful.

this story is like watching a rock on the top of a hill start to move ever so slightly... you know it is going to start rolling any second and take full steam. we know that the trainwreck that is Vera is only starting. We know that debts will double and payment will be extreme. But not yet.

Guest chapter 4 . 5/4/2016
I'm so glad this story has been updated. I like your other fics but this one is really unique and fits in with the show. Your Bates is spot-on and complex. Please post another chapter soon!
lemacd chapter 2 . 5/4/2016
Bates' relationship w/ Robert is one of my favorite things on the show. Some refer to it as a bromance and I think it would qualify as one in an Edwardian/post-Edwardian English kind of way. Also in the way that Robert doesn't really ever seem to have any real close friends and Bates, well... he doesn't exactly go out of his way to have friends either. This is as close as either of them seem to get.

This chapter is interesting, more than a set up for things to come. I find it interesting that Robert's offer of help is limited to recovery and army career, but at that time, neither could know that Bates would need anything else. The detail that he (Robert) pushed for better and more advanced medical treatment for Bates was also very clever. It certainly helps explain why Bates is always quick to say that the earl doesn't owe him anything.

Again that last line, though... ugh. And this idea of calling in favors, of being personally indebted to someone... this is a major theme for Bates on the show. It causes him tons of grief and also gives him life. And of course, the way you connect all the dots its amazing.

Bates continues to be a fascinating character, or at least a deeper and more complex one thanks to you. And it is all building toward understanding his motivations later on. I mean, I am a sucker for stories that simply have him motivated by his love for Anna but sometimes it is a huge leap that falls apart without some logical analysis of his nature. Love it.
lemacd chapter 1 . 5/4/2016
This story... I knew it was here. I know I read it. Why I never reviewed it is completely unknown.

I might not be able to review it as if I haven't already read the other chapters, but I shall try to review it as if I haven't already seen S6. Because I think my reaction to this first chapter was different the first time I read it, horrified at the idea that Bates would have something to do with the murder of Green and it certainly seems as if this is where the story is headed (but maybe not, i assume nothing... especially because of that last line). But now that the series is over and my thoughts on the matter have more to go on, I think I'm less horrified at the idea.

I'm struck by your dedication to be fair to characters that you aren't particularly of. Your treatment of John Bates is not only fair, it's quite good. His calculated words, the way he plays his emotions close to himself... the way he doesn't trust Salter at all and finds his actions evil, but he is about survival, not judging. He would rather come to an understanding with those he doesn't like than engage in some kind of physical struggle. We see these traits in various ways after Bates comes to Downton. If you are a fan of Bates, the inclination is to say, "well, the war made him that way. he came to downton a broken man from the war, from his wife... he's really a super great guy." But the idea that he survived the war *because* he was like this appeals to me more for some reason (some reason I suspect I'll figure out by the time you finish this story).
suzie chapter 4 . 5/3/2016
Edward, you really know your DA characters. Very impressive. I think I got hooked on DA when Bates' face hit the gravel on the driveway.
Teresagreen chapter 4 . 5/3/2016
We all suspected John Bates had a very dark corner in his soul, and you have capably explored a situation which would take him there - a threat to Anna or to his relationship to her. Bates is an intense man, who is clever and well educated enough to develop his own philosophy of honour, and the way to behave honourably. This helps cement his relationship with Lord Grantham, Anna, the other servants - to a lesser but still conscious degree, and even to Vera. Until... She plays with his plans to divorce her and marry Anna, double-crosses him and exults in her power over him. Bates resultant fury nearly undoes him. Luckily, he remembers, just in time, that to kill Vera would ruin it all for everyone, and he decides to be patient a bit longer. He is then very angry with himself that he was so tempted to do the wrong thing.
This is a masterful exploration of the inner workings of the taciturn, normally contained John Bates. He IS capable of violence. He does simmer. He is passionate. But, this time, his honour code controls him. You have made John Bates an interesting character. Will he always be able to maintain his self-control?
Lewes chapter 4 . 5/3/2016
I'm so glad for this update! Once again you've managed to write a backstory which is unique but still so very true to Bates's character. His honour, his anger, his self-loathing and his all-encompassing love for Anna. She is his saving grace.
Many thanks for writing this Banna story (despite your other ship)!
Lewes chapter 3 . 4/24/2016
I just reread this story and I love it. Great writing and a very interesting storyline. Is there any chance of an update? Keeping my fingers crossed, and will reread the three chapters again whilst hoping for a fourth :-)
Guest chapter 3 . 10/19/2015
I miss this story. I hope you'll update it soon.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/19/2015
Your Vera is great. This is a really compelling backstory for her and Bates, and I wish we'd seen more of it on the show. I hope you address Bates' time in prison. Keep it up!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/5/2015
Brilliant. I love your other stories, but I hope you update this one soon.
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