Reviews for The Time That We Love Best Prompt Fills
Guest chapter 42 . 1/3
Dear N, Happy New Year and thanks a lot for your update! A wonderful chapter, with 4 parts! Loved it!
FireAngel375 chapter 42 . 12/28/2019
Absolutely lovely! It's been so long since I've thought about this AU so I was extremely surprised and delighted to have this pop up in my e-mail. It was interesting to read and have all the memories come flooding back and its just a testament to how memorable your writing is. Unfortunately I can't side with Clara because while I don't smoke them, I love the way cigars smell ha. But it is a so very her reaction to John smoking. Thank you for writing this and thank you for the unintentional nostalgia. This will always continue to be my favorite Doctor Who AU of all time.

Also, I peeked through my old messages and you had mentioned very long ago that you wanted to make TTWLB into a physical book. Did that ever happen? I would want a copy.
Guest chapter 41 . 10/9/2019
Wonderful chapter, dear! It is so good to read updates of your tttwlb prompt fills! I still regard your tttwlb the best fanfiction I ever read of Twelve/Clara fandom!

Guest chapter 40 . 4/12/2019
Dear Nehz, thanks a lot for your update!
Beautiful, chapter, and very sad too... well, we are speaking about WWII.
I think you linked this chapter so well through your main fiction when Mary Jane analyzes the book of his brother (I think she never would guess that Handy Hank of Hanover was from him!) and when she thought about all that children that went to countryside (It is true that knowing that he Luke was a war orphan doesn't mean necessarily that they would care. And your last paragraph was so pungent! Mary Jane at sixty considering being a mother! Beautiful way to close this chapter!
Thanks again, it was so well written and I love TTTWLB. I still regard it as the best fanfiction about 12/Clara.

Thanks! Lucia, also known as Suindara
Mystic Lover of the fairytale chapter 40 . 4/9/2019
I didn't expect you to post this so soon,it was great and 6am going to read it again.
Suindara chapter 38 . 10/12/2017
Dear N, thanks a lot for updating TTTWLB!
You made me smile!
I missed updates of my 12th Doctor favourite fanfiction!
Well, for what I read, this fog must be a terrible event, and John is so right to be worried about Winnie's health, he even discerned that the cough of the children was different when they caught a common cold!
Perhaps John does miss Glasgow, or the land he was raised?
And very intelligent observations of Clara that the government would do something about it using Science studies. She didn't let her full time job of housewife and mother mess with her brain!
And I loved when she says to John to be a doctor...
Thanks a lot, dear N, I hope you can update TTTWLB more times, I miss it terribly...
Suindara chapter 37 . 4/12/2017
Dear N, thanks a lot for updating and filling my prompt!
It is always so happy for me to find your emails in my inbox!
Well, you are right, if Linda existed in this AU univerese Clara never would invite them to live in London with her and her family. Being David alone, old and with heart sickness, it would be easier to be moved. You portrayed so well the pain of widowness at this old age... I imagine that David could want to die to scape loneliness.
Thanks for putting Davey in this story, I liked too much their dialogue.
Thanks again, N!
Suindara chapter 36 . 3/13/2017
Dear N, thanks so much for filling my prompt!
In time, I finally got to see the fanart you tell us about, from Randomthunk etc in your Tumblr account, because doesn't allow us to get external links... They are beautiful.
I liked it too much, it was so heartwarming, because Mr. Green was so gentle with Clara in their farewell. I didn't forget that Ms. Mcintyre told Clara that John was gentle only around her. So I guess that they, knowing John for so much more time than her, didn't see his changes. I imagine if, excepting his time with Clara, John were, still, a sour man. The fierce scottie he he...
Thanks so much, N!
I always smile when I see your prompt fills!
Suindara chapter 35 . 2/21/2017
Dear N, thanks so much for your filling my prompt!
Believe me dear, I had a day so bad and had a headache and seeing your email in my inbox made smile so widely, you made my day!
So good that John didn't show any self-conscience in his and Clara's silver anniversary!
It is a pity that you didn't share the details of the party, I would like to see it, but it is ok.
Great work of the kids making the photo album, I can imagine Clara being weepy with this gift.
And John's remark about old age ailments... it is really gross... albeith playful. I imagine that being married for so long allows this kind of joke.
Thanks so much again, N!
Suindara chapter 34 . 2/4/2017
Dear N, thanks so much for filling this prompt, thanks thanks thanks!
Well you surprised me dear, I would never thought about Clara's retiring! I should of course, after all this is an age to do this. How good John doesn't think that his age make him a semi-invalid! And he is a sweet thinking about Clara's profissional satisfaction above his and Dave's needs! I remember that in that chapter about Penny's birth Clara already feels responsible about being John and David's (the two Edwardian crybabies) primary caregiver. And she being 60 years old, an age that all of them can be considered old. How good Davey and Wynn live near their parents!
Very touching chapter, I like it too much.
Thanks again!
Suindara chapter 33 . 2/4/2017
Hi N!
Thanks for this delightful scene of the Smiths in the seaside!
I imagine that John is 59 or 60 years old here. I was so touched when Wynn caled him Da, I imagine that he is about to melt down too!
And Davey... he had the reaction kids have when see the seaside for the first time!
Well, unfortunately I started to watch DW basically with Matt Smith so I don't know anything about the classic serie.
Thanks again, N!
FireAngel375 chapter 33 . 1/30/2017
Yay you wrote it! Fairyglitterwitch here haha. Thanks for this, I always love seeing favorite characters going to the beach and stuff. Clara's so funny xD. It took me this long to connect that you have been saying that Jamie is John's uncle. As in the companion. I really liked Jamie when I was watching thru the old DW episodes, but it's been so long that I barely remember him now. Aren't some of his episodes missing also? (I know a lot of two's episodes are missing). I just remember the episode where they were trying to recreate his face or something... but anyway enough of my babbling, this is fantastic, thank you again!
Suindara chapter 32 . 1/13/2017
Dear N, thanks a lot for being so quick!
I liked your prompt fill so much... indeed... por Davey! I imagine how much schocked he become when he knew of his sister sudden marriage! How good he was so acommodating and agreed to be their witness and accomplice in the secret marriage. I think that Wynn was little wicked to making fun of her mother's hability to cook John's birthday suffles.
I was very touched by father and daughter's dialogue before the religious ceremony, in a way I know that she got married in the church to please their parents.
And I laughed at the second time that Penny helped her uncle to solve his romantic life!
Thanks a lot!
Suindara chapter 31 . 1/10/2017
Dear N, Happy New Year, and thank you so much for filling my prompt, I was overwhelmed when I saw tumbrl email!
Thank you, thank you. thank you!
It was lovely to read about the beginning of Terry and Harry and Barry and the other about the visit to seaside. I confess that I would never imagine that the first was a kind of homage that John wanted to do to that who stayed (like himself), who that went to fight in the war and that who never come back, In the end, there were only Terry, Harry and Barry, but I think that who read understood his intention.
And it was so beautiful John and Clara's dialogue about his former books, it was so tender that Clara conforted him about them. And thankfully they found Luke that kept his copy of Handy Hank of Hannover in so dire situation.
Beautiful chapter, thanks so much again!
Suindara chapter 30 . 12/31/2016
Happy New Year, N dear!
Thanks a lot for your update, it made me smile!
Some comments:
1. Mr. Brown's secretary was THAT secretary? If yes, did their relationship endured?
2. If John's children were in their 2nd therm, it means that John is 79 years old (more or less). So John works for the publisher for... 23 years? Wow!
3. I guess that John's concern about not constrain Davey about his career is important, since he (John) had a very unpleasant experience with his own father. I liked John and Davey's dialogue with John offering assistance giving him options and reassuring him that whatever decision he takes he would be there for him. It would be soo good if all father could be like John.
Thanks a lot, dear, I hope you can update soon!
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