Reviews for The Talking Head Game
Peri chapter 17 . 9/9/2018
Im confused. In the end was she dating Peridot or not?
Hyourin chapter 17 . 6/14/2018
WAIT WAIT... what what happened to Pearl in the airforce? THIs IS SUCH A GOOD STORY. I LOVE IT SO MUCH! It had so much heart and it is so well written.

Now I don't always agree with some of the characterization, I'm a bit picky, but I do really appreciate the relationships you have between the characters and, tbh, it's kinda the ost important thing here. Steven opening up to Lapis and Lapis being that idiot that doesn't realize what she has. I just really love the inter-mingling with them all and Garnet and Amethyst being there fore Pearl even if you don't see that directly.

This was a delight to read. I'm usually not so big a fan of first person, but it was so good that I couldn't resist.
Lien-Yang chapter 17 . 10/21/2017
Damn bro, you got me that last chapter has at a loss for words. It’s like an actual book it’s amazing, everything was well made and put together thanks for the adventure and keep it up

Nofrogsnolife chapter 11 . 7/11/2017
Good story but why you made lapis like that
Guest chapter 17 . 6/26/2017
Found this, read this, loved this. Well done
Kitty chapter 4 . 6/15/2017
Hi this story is amazing so far! I almost feel like I'm in the story , you put a lot of work into this and I'm glad I finally get to read a good Steven universe fanfic thank you~ also it would be nice for you to tell who's POV it is
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2017
*claps* so cute X3
TheLilyoftheValley chapter 17 . 6/10/2017
Okay. Usually I don't give reviews to stories that already have a whole lot of them, but this story has just blown me away so much that I have to say something.

This story is one of those stories that I live for. I don't mean the specific genre of romance dealing with love triangles, I'm talking about those stories that suck you in and hold you by the throat the entire time you read it. Ones that you try to read as much as you can the night before, and then wake up early so you can finish it. Ones that send you on an almost literal roller costar ride of emotions that have you grinning at one moment and then have you choking back sobs of despair and hope at the next moment.

I was hesitant to read this at first, since it dealt with the topic of love triangles, a romance topic that I hate for many reasons. I don't mind Mature-rated stories (sometimes they provide a bigger sense of realism that I can't find in the T-rated works), and when I Followed this I thought, "Well, this could be interesting. Sure it's got a love triangle, but maybe it won't be cheesy and corny and stir up unnecessary drama." Ha! How wrong I was in my previous assumptions! I read the first chapter and had my prejudices shattered by the second. I was hooked on this story from the moment it broke the fourth wall and called itself out on its plotline.

The sarcastic humor of Peridot was priceless, and by chapter five I couldn't get enough of the relationship between Peridot and Lapis. I don't know why, but I love banter like that, where the friends dig at each other, but it's all in good fun. I search for stories with friends like these, and I don't think I could ever get enough of the banter between those two. Not to mention that every chapter kept me on the edge of my seat, especially when there was tension added between the three girls. Or even the last chapter, that made me smile with relief and thank the heavens that everything turned out alright for everyone in the end. Seriously, this was just a masterpiece!

One thing that was so epic about this story was the amount of quotable lines from here. I don't know how you came up with some of these, but they're brilliant! The line Lapis thinks at the station, the one about holding Pearl to a thousand suns, only to later realize she's a night person... that was so powerful and amazing I'm green with envy.

I haven't listened to the music with this fic, I've been listening to my own music while reading. It went from pop, to raging rock, to the point where I dug up my old Taylor Swift songs and listened to them as I read through the chapters. I usually listen to electronic music, pop, and rock, and yet, this fic gave me such an urge to listen to the country songs that I pulled them up and put them on. It made my resolve even more delicate, as after I put on those songs I felt even more depressed and emotionally attached to this story.

I loved every bit of this story, and this is heading into my Favorites tab immediately. Man, THIS is a story I wish I could write, one that leaves me feeling breathless with emotion and blown away with the wit the story carries. I can't tell you how much of an amazing job you did on this, because I don't think I have enough of the right words to describe it.

Thank you for writing this gem of a story. I didn't know I needed this until I actually read it. :)
TheOneandOonly chapter 17 . 5/10/2017
I've just binge-read this story,It was FUCKING BEUTIFUL! I actually cursed outloud over some of the stupid decisions they were making.I came to this story expecting a random smut-without-plot story that would turn into a steamy threesome. I'm really stoked that I got such an awesome story out of it. I can put myself in the characters places and identify with their personalities (mostly Peri) . I can totally see all the time,emotion and hard work you put into this story, no chapter felt half-assed and I even angry-cried for some situations.
I love this and I love you for creating it
Your new fan chapter 17 . 4/2/2017
Let me just start off by saying, daaaayyyuuumm. I'm personally the type who doesn't like fanfics that deal with high school cliches, so when I read the first chapter I thought I wouldn't make it past the second chapter. I was so wrong. I binge read all 17 chapters in one night (it's 5 am right now). It was so surreal, I'm like an emotional puddle right now. Anyways, thank you so much for this amazingly written fanfic. It was far from cliche. Your an amazing writer and please make more fanfics!
Dekkasaurus chapter 17 . 2/15/2017
I just had to binge re-read this story over the past 24 hours because when I remembered it, I couldn't get it out of my mind. Re-reading it made me remember - or realise - that this is possibly the best written story in this fandom.
I'm not saying it's the best story. I'm saying it's extremely well written, thought, and planned out. It feels absolutely and utterly complete, and has a unique charm to it that brings people back to read it. You are a very talented - or skilled - author, and the way you wrote the first person is very well done, with a perfect mix of humour and personality.
It feels like an actual, published story I'd pick out in the library and take home to read until 3am, which I still did anyways, mind you, for the second time.
And whilst I'm still disappointed at the happy ending (this story always seemed it would have a 'bad' ending - and honestly, Lapis would've deserved it, and Peridot & Pearl deserved to move on and be happy), it doesn't hinder it at all.
So over a year later, I still commend you for this story! It was a pleasure to read again, and pick up on all the subtle foreshadowing for future chapters.
sandy5552 chapter 17 . 2/3/2017
Loved it ! I wasnt really into steven universe but the way you worked with characters had me hooked from the very begining and the realness in this fic really messed with my emotions this story is a top favourite thanks for the goodtimes.
Trulululu chapter 1 . 1/13/2017
well I'm not good writing in English sooo sorry if I write some shit whiteout any sense xD bro (or sis) this is the best fanfic lapidot I read on ma entire life, I mean, this is not convencional or something cliché , every chapter was so intense, and you're so fucking funny, that humor of Peridot, I love it. and the scene in the jail, man... my hearth broke in million parts when I read that, and the final was son perfect, that's what's true love it, and yo show us the different tipes of love and that's admiral, I want to say yo, this, this story change completely ma way to see a lot of things, who a couple is, who a lovers is, who loves is. I don't no what more I can say, because ma dictionary in English is not too long. so, I love your history, I love everything, your a such good writer and well, thank you, for writing!
Rj The Raccoon chapter 1 . 1/10/2017
When I read this the first time, my brain was trying review it and my heart was trying to live in this story. Iove how you made the characters and that the humor was amazing, eh?! Lol to the where they were kissing in the McDonalds bath room! I would be the same as Peri, eh?! Also, Lapis was just as great! I never read a story like this in my life.
I heard that there was also a few songs to this made by a person or so, eh? (Kind of like a hurt/comfort or a friend ship genre, eh)?
Boi chapter 17 . 1/1/2017
Fu cking ok
This is like the seventh time I've come back to read some part of this story, because this has been stuck in my head since the first time I read it. Sometimes when I'm just lying in bed or spacing out or some shit, I just think "sweet Jesus that story is good.". This was, and remains to this day, my favourite story that I've read-on this site or otherwise, and the only story that can make me genuinely cry every time I read it. Before I read it, I thought this was going to be the classic "oh here's a person, wait shit I love them, let me help them through their hardships then confess in the rain" kind of story, but it is so much more than that. The complexity of everything, the way the character aren't completely idealised, the way there is no absolute right or wrong and most of the feelings on either side can be justified (except for Lapis' parents. Fuck them.), all of it is an amazing part of this fucking masterpiece. I found this story and read it, expecting it to be a relatively casual read, but I ended up staying awake until 6:30am on a school night because I was so sucked in to this work of art, and I never regretted it for a second. You go above and beyond all expectations, creating a truly unique story, and I honestly think that this story is going to stay with me for most of, if not the rest of my life.

In summary: How the fuck are you not an established author yet Jesus fucking Christ
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