Reviews for Fairy Tail: A New Day
JuliaSora chapter 24 . 10/20/2018
I’ve loved this sorry for such a long time. I like the fact that Alyssa and Nastu are already together from the first chapter and they like each other romantically but they still have some comical moments lol Other fanfics don’t have this. I highly recommend this fanfic for others good job! Also I have read the sequel!
Darkmaster10000000 chapter 9 . 10/6/2018
You out-do yourself time and time again Navek-sensei.
Darkmaster10000000 chapter 5 . 10/6/2018
It's official, your a genius. The story so far, PERFECTION, and I'm not talking about that small town
in Nevada. (If you don't get the reference, watch Tremors)
PhantomGalaxy13 chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
So I've finally gotten around to seeing this story, and well first thing right off the bat, I don't quite like when people refer Mavis as if she was a god, when she was really just a talented mage who fell in love with Zeref. Considering how long this story is, it's probably a moot point by now, but hey.

I have some issue with Team Morningstar's name, mostly because my experience with it is that it's usually tied to Lucifer, the fallen angel... don't really know how to feel about this.

But despite my small nitpicks, this was pretty mundane. I wished there could have been more done in the beginning, like say if you gave Natsu more teammates, you could have given Bora potentially more allies that are competent. Or maybe something completely different all together. But as I said before all of this is pretty useless since the story has been going on for a while.

Still, good job for writing, you're obviously liking your own work.
KenpoDragonRoar chapter 12 . 2/12/2018
Nice reference to hellsing abridged
guest chapter 2 . 3/31/2017
I agree with you,i mean sure natsu can be a idiot and a I am a big fan of nalu shipping myself but I felt that Lucy punches natsu a bit to much
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 24 . 2/23/2017
I'll get to checking it out later down the line, if it's as good as A New Day was, Mythos is going to become one of my favorite stories.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 23 . 1/28/2017
End of part 1 it seems, time for that overly long-ass review I promised, since I got too much free time on my hands, *ahem*: I walked into this expecting nothing more than canon events with a few OCs, but so far you've really done a hell of a lot with the source material, for the better. You've really done a lot to expand the universe of Fairy Tail in this story, from the Wincar Tribe, to the Golem Wars and Zeref's treachery. The existence of other types of keys, alongside the Celestial Arms, really gives Celestial Magic some much needed expansion. Azure Flames are quite a nice buff, makes sense too, given how friggin' hot 'n powerful Natsu's flames get as the series progresses.

I gotta say, I sincerely hope those Crusader assholes die in ways so horrific, the Dark Eldar see it as going too far. How do they exist though? If they are in Fiore, surely the Magic Council or the King would've seen to their end? If not them, Guilds would certainly see about destroying them at some point, are they in an entirely different nation? i don't see how an entire Citadel of anti-magic cock-knockers can exist, imprison, and kill mages with impunity in that manner, especially if they are in a massive citadel, rather than hiding like Dark Guilds.

That aside, the OCs are quite nice, they really do fit in well with the rest of the guild. Zeke is probably my favorite, I like his arrow magic, and he seems like the straightman to a bunch of madmen and maniacs. Without being a total fun killer like Erza, Alyssa's alright, but I kinda feel like her magic is overpowered as hell in some regards. Like I said in my last review, punching someone 1,000,000 times faster than the speed of light, will kill them, wear your hands down to stumps, or both. I really do think that should be scaled back, 10,000 or so seems a lot more reasonable for so many attacks so fast.

I'm extremely glad Natsu isn't END or any of that shite in this story, something different for a change. Really loathe the Crusaders as well, I seriously hope they end up with a fate worse than being captives of a Dark Eldar Raid, or Daemonculaba victims (SUPER, DUPER NSFL! Don't look it up). The Golem Wars and other parts of the history sound amazing, I hope we'll continue to learn more as time goes on, that is easily my favorite part of the story. It really broadens the scope of the universe, something I wish the canon material did more. I'm interested about the Shadowman sub-plot, but I still think Shadowman is a really poor name, it's like something out of a campfire horror story, I think he needs a better name. Especially since he is going to be a major villain, and is one of Zeref's greatest creations.

Looking forward to Oracion Seis, and Alexander's reunion with Wendy, and I'm curious as to how you'll handle the other Dragon Slayers' backstory. Ain't got much else to say, this was a real gem of a story, I'm excited to see this continue. I'd give it either a high 9, or a low 10/10.

Death to the Great Wolf, Death to Fenris,

-Svane Vulfbad
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 9 . 1/24/2017
First and foremost, I absolutely adore the story so far, I'll post a proper review at the end, or if I drop it (highly unlikely), I'll give my thoughts on that chapter. Anyway, just a few things I wanna comment about: Shadowman is honestly a really silly name, and not befitting of such a dangerous creature. There are a ton of different demons and Gods you can look into from all sorts of mythologies, Mephistoles, Baal, Chogorroth, etc.

Ur didn't have lavender hair, her hair was black like Gray's, if this addressed in the future, I apologize. Also, 1,000,000 attacks in 40 seconds is EXTREMELY OP and ludicrously excessive. Doing something like that would utterly annihilate Lyon, or anyone she's fighting, and turn her hands to stumps. I really do think it should be scaled back greatly, maybe 1,000 or 10,000, and as time goes on, the number creates. 1,000,000 punches is already ridiculous, but from this early on is ten times worse, if I may be blunt.

These are nitpicks admittedly, hehehe. I'll do what I usually do and give fanboyish praise when I post a proper review, I just wanted to share my thoughts on those points. As for the special attack, I get it, names are hard as hell to come up with.

Big K smashes all the demon hoes,

-Svane Vulfbad

PS: If you wanna keep the name, all good, just a nitpick on my part. But, if you do want to find something different, Wikipedia has a large list of mythological creature names in alphabetical order, here it is if you want it: wiki/Lists_of_legendary_creatures
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 5 . 1/23/2017
Gotta agree, this is the best chapter yet. Good to see Erza 'n Gray aren't joining in all honesty, the team would get too large if they joined in, with the other two you seem to have planned. Plus the bad-blood with Natsu, Gray, Alyssia, and Erza would just make things worse if looked at realistically. Anyway, I'm quite excited to see how the Igneel thing plays out.
Feline Evolutionary Dead End chapter 3 . 1/23/2017
Well you're wrong, Plue is an Alaskian Snowman Dog, deal with it.
DYnoJackal19 chapter 9 . 1/18/2017
You really are taking to 'Adaptational Expansion' and necessary 'filler' well.

Yay! Ur lives!
matmac chapter 12 . 12/8/2016
alucard abridge really?
striker sigma chapter 23 . 12/2/2016
Angryboy13 chapter 1 . 11/29/2016
1) Thank f*cking god they're not dragon slayers or any kind of slayer!
2) Jet must have been jealous A.F
3) And yes, MorningStar does sound cool!
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