Reviews for A Talon by Any Other Name
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 11 . 2/11
Where’s the sequel ? I hope u are still working on it
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 11 . 2/11
This was an incredible fan fic. Loveeeeee it. Sooo happy there is a sequel.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 9 . 2/10
Perfect chapter for this to be in haha. Chapter reads 9/11. 911 . Batman help.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 4 . 2/10
Wow loveeeeee this story. U have done a fantastic job
Rehabilitated Sith chapter 2 . 2/22/2019
Ah, no!
littleditto chapter 11 . 3/4/2017
this is a great fic. and i totally agree on the round numbers thing.

but why did Cobb say his name? that's, like, stupidly bold.

...I have a feeling this is not the last we've seen on the all...poor Jason
Farbeyondthegrave chapter 11 . 2/19/2017
Love it
MrsSparkle1 chapter 11 . 1/1/2017
I am disappoint! You promised me a sequel. I see no sequel in your fic list. No . . . It can't be. . . Did you. . . Lie to me? :'( please post the sequel. Please. It will stop my tears.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/8/2016
Dratias chapter 11 . 5/30/2016
I really, really love love loved this! Seriously, Court of Olws fics are the BEST when Dick is a Talon, and you added Jason! Omg. Really can't put into words how much I love fics that focus on Dick and Jason. But yeah, having Jason as a Talon was so inexplicably cool. Never seen that before. You did fantastic on this story, man. Great job. I very much enjoyed reading this. Sad to see what happened in that ending though. Damn Cobb. Hope they're able to somehow extract those things eventually.

Anyhow, thank you for writing this! I loved it. Can't wait to get started on the sequel. I have no doubt it'll be as good, or better, than this one. Thanks again~

- Dratias
Mireilles3 chapter 11 . 9/4/2015
Whew! They're safe, but they can't stat together? No! .. It's a great twist on cannon storyline, but was it really necessary? :( They were so great together :) But at least he'll visit :)

Can't wait for more!
bracteantha chapter 11 . 9/2/2015
I cried, and yes, I really really enjoyed reading this story and I'm terribly happy that there's gonna be a sequel
Guest chapter 10 . 8/29/2015
Another awesome chapter and so. many. feels!
girlgeekjf chapter 10 . 8/27/2015
Very exciting and heartbreaking.
girlgeekjf chapter 9 . 8/20/2015
Loved getting inside Jason's head here. Now I'm sad though. Maybe the cliffhanger gives them some hope.
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