Reviews for The District
Guest chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
i used to love your fanfiction! i’m sad to see you go. hope you are doing well!
worldwithinworld chapter 12 . 6/2/2018
You combine these two worlds so cleverly! Every chapter impressed and made me laugh. Really well done.
Guest chapter 12 . 10/15/2017
Thanks for updating!
Guest chapter 12 . 10/14/2017
Haha love this! Great to see an update.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/27/2017
Can't wait to read more! Love this story :)
Guest chapter 11 . 3/8/2017
Awesome story!
brandie2007 chapter 11 . 3/6/2017
Yay! Can't wait for the love story to continue!
Bellicose Blue chapter 11 . 3/6/2017
Fantastic chapter like always! Loving this story more than words can say!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
You did a brilliant job translating the show's format into prose. I only wish it had been based on the FAR superior Office UK ;) I couldn't get into the US version, but I really enjoy this fic.
janedoe15243 chapter 11 . 3/5/2017
Love love love this! Loved the ending. Thanks for the update
CaptainOfTheKeep chapter 11 . 3/5/2017
You're literally keeping me on the edge of my seat here. Keep up the AMAZING work!
Guest chapter 11 . 3/5/2017
Great chapter! I hope Haymitch gets rid of Coin again, their relationship is a disaster!
Gentle Alouette chapter 11 . 3/5/2017
Awesome chapter! As always, it was great and incredibly hilarious. I loved reading it. :)

Yikes I forgot how frustrated I was with Michael when Jan came in with breasts implants, and they got back together. Seeing it again, through Haymitch and Alma, just made me cringe all over again. But, if i know one thing, a pretty funny scene involving a house dinner party is sure to come. Haha

I think this is the end of year two, if I'm not mistaken. So onto year three? The seasons sort of muddled together for me lol, so I might be wrong.

Anyway, Gale is a sneaking bastard, ugh. And hooray for Everlark! I just realized that by the end of the series, Pam and Jim have two kids...and so do Katniss and Peeta. Can't wait for the next update!
janedoe15243 chapter 10 . 3/3/2017
I love love love this story and I love that Katniss finally is brave enough to recognize and state her feelings. I really hope they get together in the next chapter.
MTK4FUN chapter 3 . 2/25/2017
I see Katniss' relationship with Darius falling apart. Thanks for this chapter!
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