Reviews for Howl and Scream
thinkaboutit36 chapter 35 . 7/14
Oh man I so wish this story had more chapters. Your character development is on point and the slow burns you write are absolutely tantalizing.
CaramelShipper chapter 35 . 7/3
I just finished it today after I binged it in like, 3 days. I loved it, I loved Remus and Eva's relationship, I love the OCs you've created, and really hope you come back to this story soon.
Guest chapter 35 . 9/15/2019
This is so good! I love your story and your writing style compliments the story in such a wonderful way! I hope you‘ll continue to write to write because this is truly one of the best Marauders fics I‘ve ever read
Pogo chapter 35 . 3/20/2019
This has been the most detailed story I've read. It actually feels alive with all the interconnecting characters.
I've also appreciated Eva's character and how she has grown, rather than being an immediate rebel fighting against what she was raised as. She's still figuring herself out like everyone else.
Charlotte chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
Checking in again - just wish you well.
Hope you're all good!
Have a nice day :)
Charlotte chapter 35 . 8/13/2018
I hope everything is well and you're fine.
Best wishes!
Guest chapter 21 . 6/30/2018
Please don't stop this story. This ia the best Remus ff I've every read
Guest chapter 35 . 6/27/2018
Keep going! PLEASE!
You're awesome.
Windfall chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
This seems lovely – Remus' childish wonder about everything is rather pleasant to read.

It also does not sound like a stereotypical Mary Sue, which most Marauder/OC fanfics are.
Guest chapter 35 . 5/19/2018
Super powerful chapter, wow! Looking forward to the next one!
Charlotte chapter 34 . 4/27/2018
Hello again, my dear favourite HP FF author.
I see that being sick for several weeks has an upside - when you get back into your normal life and start to get better, you can get back to your abnormal fanfiction reading habits - and tadaaa! As if by MAGIC several chapters might have appeared during the time period where you lay close to death (I'm exaggerating, it was just the flu - but I felt like I was dying, believe me) (Also: My brain might have been fried in the process).
And I'm still laughing at Remus - he needed someone to, no, TWO someones to look into his head and tell him what he wants in order to get over himself and do what he wants. And this is SO Remus. It's perfect.
AND: I'm thrilled that Eva and Remus are finally properly snogging. Huzzah! Yes! The ship has sailed!
Thank you for your continous perfection of storyline and I can't wait for more!
Have a good one!
Guest chapter 34 . 4/27/2018
untiltheangelssaveus chapter 34 . 4/23/2018
goddamnnnn this chapter made me turnt as SHIT for the future chapters to come! i love it! love the fluff! the drama! the relationship! goddamn!
Guest chapter 34 . 4/23/2018
Remus and Eva finally settling for something! Love their adorable kissing moment! I’ve never been so excited for a chapter. I’m getting nervous as to what’s gonna happen to Eva now that the slytherins might find out she was snooping on them! Amazing writing!
Obsidian Stained Roses chapter 34 . 4/22/2018
AH! Ugh I can't wait for more! Such amazing writing! Thank you for writing this !
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