Reviews for As You Sleep
a suffering soul chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
you are truly cruel. an amazing writer that knows exactly how to hit the feels ,and instead of using that power for GOOD FOR FLUFFINESS AND FOR ADORABLENESS you choose to use it for EVIL . i mean i get that you awesome writers feed of the tears of those who read your creation but this is just over the line ,this is sucking my soul out of my body only that i could be crying in 2 places at once ,the first my physical body crying and the second is my soul that was violently ripped out of it reading the story again and crying . what im trying to say but ending up rumbling is that you are a very good writer but PLEASE FOR HE LOVE OF GOD WRITE THINGS THAT WONT MAKE ME WANT TO LOCK MYSELF IN A DARK ROOM FOREVER AND JUST FEEL CHLOE'S PAIN .thank you and have a lovely day
extremely cool 7 chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
I really like this story! Believable and kinda sad
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
My little ocean baby ;(
TimeShinigami chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
Lovely. Something that I haven't really seen here much is Chloe before Max's return, and I think it's something ripe to be plumbed for tales. So congrats on doing something relatively unique, and also something that reads very well. Perhaps consider a longer form story leading up to Max, or one that keeps going from Chloe's POV after she arrives? Regardless, I will continue to read should you post.