Reviews for A Taste so Sweet
19Lina-Chan95 chapter 2 . 9/15/2016
Thanks for the story. I like your way of writing.
Moreover, I appreciate the plot.
Sebastian and Ciel ist my absolute otp.
So, I just finished chapter 02 but I think something is going on with Sebastian. For sure he is a killer as well.
Since I only read this far I hope it's okay to criticise this:
I would have prefered it more if the story wouldn't go on so fast. If Ciel and Sebastian had more time to get to know each other, before he ends up in the hospital.
But I will read on. Anyway, nice work. :)
Kags21 chapter 4 . 5/17/2016
That was so good please update soon
Average Bookworm chapter 4 . 4/26/2016
Oh my... That was a major turn on XD

Pls do continue! I don't mind lemons but the plot is interesting too. Slightly peeved from the cliffhanger tho, I wouldn't mind reading more.

It just got so much more interesting. Its obvious the killer is sebby-chan. I love how it's so ironic the psychiatrist is the killer XD. Mmmmmm, I wouldn't mind being sebby-chan's patient. Ah~ SebaCiel is such a perfect pairing.

I see this fic has so much potential for more plot development. Hehe, I love the demon references XD Can't wait for more!
catgirl505 chapter 4 . 4/16/2016
Jenmoon1 chapter 4 . 4/16/2016
Good fic update soon
Dokun888 chapter 4 . 4/13/2016
Whoa, quite a development *~* XDD I like that their relationship become more like Sebastian/Ciel instead of Hanibal/Will I mean there are many similarities but there is also a sense of individuality (if that makes any sense lol) I actually thought you abandoned this story T_T but I'm glad to see that it's not the case *~~~* so am I safe to hope for the next update? XDD
Herondale18 chapter 3 . 3/29/2016
I'm so glad that you're writing another Black Butler fanfic! You're writing is great, and I love the way you made Sebastian dangerous and badass. It would've been a let down if he was merely a man.
Guest chapter 3 . 2/22/2016
I love this fic SO much! Please update ASAP! I'm dying for a new chapter
Mitzy chapter 3 . 12/3/2015
You know, you are oneof very few authors of Kuro that read from. Since I am extremely distrustful of anyone who didn't post in the early years of Kuro (anyone who posted after certain English editions came and ruined everything), so it is very nice to get a new fic from an author I trust. Thank you for the new read, even if I have no knowledge of the Hannabal universe (Sorry if I misspelled his name.).

Though I am a little concerned about the story disappearing, since I know the admins do delete without warning and since a story of yours is currently under report fire... I think you can understand my concern. So I hope it is up on Ao3 in case...

Looking forward to more. Also, I noticed a mistake near the end of this chapter, you spelt Lau as Lou. As for beta, perhaps JustZoni on tumblr might be able to help. She too is a fantastic (ex) Kuro writer. Though she was driven out of the fandom like I was by crazy fans. She might have some recs on betas to give if you ask. Thought it might help out. Hope you aren't offended.

(I couldn't think of a proper name to use so I used my cat's. )
CavyiaLove chapter 3 . 11/23/2015
Only hard u
Naou chapter 1 . 11/17/2015
This is really interesting so far and I love how you keep to the characters rather than mold them into Will and Hannibal. c:
Kags21 chapter 3 . 11/16/2015
Really good i hope to read more soon
CavyiaLove chapter 2 . 11/15/2015
The writing is outstanding. Although its so little, it's amazing how much you could make a person see through such few words. I hope for you to update soon. This is one of my favorites so far - not excluding your most popular one - The devils canvis - which made me cry. Not going to lie. Well I originally offered you a cake but here ,have some ice cream
Much love
Cavyia Love~
VampireSiren chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Love how you're incorporating a bit of themes from Hannibal into A Taste So Sweet! And I can't wait to see what the next chapter holds in store! :)
VampireSiren chapter 2 . 7/22/2015
Love reading this so far! :)
Very interested in seeing where this Sebastian x Ciel fanfic is heading!
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