Reviews for True Rise to Power
Guest chapter 13 . 3/25
On man, I hate when I stumble on these awesome stories, and they are still incomplete. The waiting game is unbearable most times... Love this story
! read the whole thing in one sitting. Can't wait for more. Cell is my absolute fav!
StormRaven333 chapter 13 . 3/3
Just stumbled across this little gem of a fic that had me grinning profusely at the antics going on! XD I'm just LOVING IT!
Such a mean move switching off the alarm like that omg!
And I agree with Biku sensei's review below, that was the best part when Cell picked up the car like that, and I caught onto the TFS reference there! P is for Priceless the look upon her face!
I'll be watching you and looking forward to the next update!
kittycatcacher chapter 13 . 1/23
Can’t wait for more!
Biku-sensei-sez-meow chapter 13 . 12/21/2019
Oh my god, dick move! That was such a dick move! Man, you really nail the whole idea ofCell being utterly superior, yet still polite and respectful. I like the character of Erika, she's very real and I can relate with her struggles and thought process. She has this charm that makes even the most mundane conversations seem interesting and full of little hints, and clearly, Cell is appreciative of that charm. Am I right in assuming he is hinting at not being interested in killing Goku anymore? It sounds like he's just interested in living a life with Erika when he suggests that Goku would be agreeable to a truce.

I especially like the way she is reacting to the villainous presence, and your whole backstory for Cell, his motivations and everything, he's not evil as it seems. It's like he's trying to go forward in a world full of ants, humans being of so little value to him that he doesn't really consider them people in the same way he considers himself. It's like Gods in Greek mythology, specifically Greek because the Gods all suck majorly and are dicks, but they're all technically not bad guys. They're higher beings, like Cell. Still, he's doing a pretty good job pretending to be human. Picking up the car of the bible-thumper... Well, P was for Priceless, the look upon her face.
kura86 chapter 13 . 12/16/2019
Pillow fight with cell.. that cracked me up! I figured they would finally kiss but I have to be patient. Really well written, not a very common timeline which makes it very interesting. And I can see you evolving in your writing in each chapter. Kudos! Hopefully you will update soon!
LunaBlackMoon chapter 13 . 10/12/2019
Great! Love this story! Can’t wait for the next update!
Nameless Angel 00 chapter 13 . 10/10/2019
Awesome two chapters close together~ hmm what did her mom want?
KiySky chapter 13 . 10/9/2019
This chapter had me dead. lmao. I loved it so much I had to read it twice. I've had a goofy grin glued to my face both times.
Xero the Reaper chapter 2 . 10/9/2019
"Well I'm sure glad Goku Put you in your place! Good to know Earth's hero came through for us after all; he would never let someone like you take this planet for yourself to do God-knows-what with it!"

Wow, just wow. If this fic was 0.00001% more realistic she would have won a Darvin Award.
JxstSaiyan chapter 13 . 10/8/2019
Haven’t read the chapter yet, but I am really excited to hear from you again! I was so happy to be reminded of this story when I got the update. :D
Please update soon!
sirensoundwave chapter 12 . 10/7/2019
I have no god damn idea how I found this but I must have more!
Nothing is What it Seems chapter 12 . 10/4/2019
Thank you for the awesome update! You totally had me convinced Cell was back back in the beginning. Not sure how happy I would have been, as I can't wait to see what will happen once he does get his powers back, because I am so loving the development between him and Erika at the pace you have constructed.
Very glad to hear you are not abandoning this fic as it is truly fantastic. I look forward to your next update, no matter when that might be!
Nameless Angel 00 chapter 12 . 10/3/2019
I have to admit this is one of my favorite stories. Every time a new chapter comes out I take my self back to the beginning.
KiySky chapter 11 . 6/4/2018
As soon as she brought out the alcohol, I thought she would stumble and confess. Glad she didn't just yet. Also, this chapter title makes me think she will actually get to go to the dbz world? I would love to see that because that is every fangirls dream right there.
KiySky chapter 10 . 6/4/2018
Just gonna casually pick a car. No biggy.
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