Reviews for Winter Comes to Berk
Stenna15 chapter 11 . 10/1/2019
That chapter broke my heart...
Wonderful writing by the way !
blackkyu chapter 12 . 1/11/2019
.amazing! Thank you! Loved It!
Eagle Dreamer chapter 12 . 11/26/2016
i absolutely loved it. one of the best fanfictions that i've read.
Davan33 chapter 12 . 9/24/2016
OMG the feels the feels I was crying so hard, this is good!
a-ghoul-who-loves-books chapter 1 . 3/1/2016
yessssss you have completed my life. Thankyou. Seriously thankyou. And now onto the sequel! HAHAHAHAHA oh god the feels its just too much.
LilithDarkness chapter 1 . 10/5/2015
love the story! I con't quiet tell if i am crying out of happiness or sadness.
I only have one small tiny problem with this story. IT IS TOO LONG! please next time write in smaller chapters so i can pace myself better and actually get on with my life without urge to reach the bottom of the page annoying me
Ominous07 chapter 1 . 9/18/2015
This was a wonderful story. It took me about four days to finish reading it, but it was worth it because it was so good. I really want to see what's going to happen next, so could you please make a sequel to this. It was one of the best stories I have read. Keep up the good work.
An chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
The longest story I've ever read, because it's only had one chapter. I had to read it a whole week.

The story is too beautiful. The conflict is so well-written, the describe of everything is too damn amazing, all emotions you put on it is hard to not to feel. I don't know how you able to make this, but I think I don't need an answer.

Ugh, I can't bear all the feels..
skilledjedi chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
This is one of the best, if not the best fanfiction I've ever read. I absolutely loved it and if you plan on writing one I CANNOT wait for a sequel.
Songbird087 chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
That was absolutely beautiful. Tears, many tears, and every emotion felt was worth it. this is one of the best writings I've ever had the honor of reading, and hope you will grace us with more.
Yami-Taichi chapter 1 . 7/9/2015
Awesome story you wrote there _ Wish it would continue seeing as Hiccup has yet to apologize to his mother, Fishlegs and Gobber. Plus I'm a sucker for romance xD

Anyway keep up the good work! Would be awesome if you wrote a sequel.
Love Laugh Live Your Life chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
Wow, just wow. That was probably one of the longest Hijack fics I had ever read. And it was good! Very good! I love how many little conflicts there were and how each conflict the characters faced developed their character traits even more. I really love your style of writing and I am so glad I found and read this. This kind of complex story line is hard to find sometimes and I very much appreciate all the little details you put in that made the fic interesting. I love it!
faisyah865 chapter 1 . 7/8/2015

When I clicked on this, I did NOT expect this. This took my breath away...

WHAT?! DUDE! HOLY FROST! THIS IS SO GODDAMN AMAZING AND INCREDIBLE AND JUST PURELY BEAUTIFUL! The way you made your own world like this, the way you out a little science into it as well, the way Lord of Winter spoke, the very reality that sets this story, is just f*cking AMAZING! I love it! I love this! I love the plot! AND THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE HIJACK STORIES EVER! *fangirls and dies*
ElektraVamp05 chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Whoa...this was a very intense story and I can honestly say I have never read anything like this. It was incredibly well written and so interesting that I couldn't put it down, so well done on this amazing story.