Reviews for An Excellent Vintage
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2015
MyWatchIsBroken chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
Earendilion chapter 1 . 6/9/2007
Very clever. Drunk Elf-lords are always amusing.
Panteran chapter 1 . 3/15/2004
Ah! I love it! Elrond is the man, and your characterization of all the players is absolutely stunning. Great job!
Nessa Ar-Fieneil chapter 1 . 9/17/2003
Interesting story Apparantly there is more to Celeborn than meets the eye
Paige Darke chapter 1 . 3/31/2003
*snickers* Wow, look, they're friends again!

Kinda. In the way that they're too drunk to know better.

And singing! How...scary! *snicker*

Topaz Waters chapter 1 . 3/19/2003
Oh, I can imagine...wonderfully done, as always!
Dragon-of-the-north chapter 1 . 2/23/2003
ROTFL - this was incredibly hilarious! Thranduil and Elrond locked up in a dungeon with lots of wine and finally joined by their sons? Oh heavens. I cannot catch my breath again! By the way, have you any intention of writing that "a bawdy song that he had last heard on the eve of the battle against Sauron"? I'd love to hear - well, that is: read - it!

Celeborn was also great. A wonderful story, I love it!
Faerfaen chapter 1 . 2/17/2003
*Bursts into laughter* that was great! I would love to have seen that happen! Keep up the great work!

*~* Dy *~*
NickelS chapter 1 . 12/28/2002
Great comedy _

especially since it involves a few of my favourite characters that are usually are either neglected from or bashed in fics (*cough* Celeborn).
TreeHugger chapter 1 . 12/28/2002
GRRRR! Look how many I have missed! I am so sorry about that. I know my author alerts doesn't always do its job, but this is getting ridiculous! :(

LOL Thranduil and Elrond are already going at one another. I don't blame Celeborn in the least for moving away from them!

Their sons I see are already at a safe distance from them. LOL to Celeborn wagering on who will be the first to spill the wine!

Hee hee! The argument is over the wine! Of course, how silly of me not to see that! Five years difference! Ai ai! Stubborn, silly Elders!

Celeborn was quite tactful in his rebuke and it seems to work as now Elrond conceeds the point quite easily. :0 Over another glass of course.

ROFL OH NO! They are locked inside together! At least until tomorrow! LOL Serves the fueding Elves right!

It seems that not only Elrond's "words" but bawdy songs came from the Last Alliance! They are singing together? LOL I wish I could hear that! ROFL So that is where Legolas and the twins are! I can't blame them in the least! Naughty younglings!

Ah hah! Celeborn can open the door! But LOL again - this is just delightful, jenolas - Thranduil and Elrond can't quite make it up the stairs so Celeborn Lord of the Galadhrim must fetch and carry tea for them! ROFL

Oh, jenolas! This was wonderful! What a great way to start the day! Thank so very much!

Elenath sila am le!
PuterPatty chapter 1 . 12/23/2002
Hee, hee. Oh that was wonderful! I don't know how I missed this. Wait, yes I do! ::PP glares at ff bot:: Third or fourth one this week I've missed, I don't rightly remember.

Anywho, love how Celeborn shows a lighter side by urging the twins and Legolas into guessing which one will cause the wine to spill first. I agreed with Legolas and Celeborn-my money was definitely on Thranduil.

And the Lord of Imladris and the King of Mirkwood get locked in a wine cellar and get drunk together? Priceless. And they don't want to leave? Hilarious.

Well, I'm glad I went checking bio's tonight. It would have been a pure shame to miss this one.

Two days and counting... :)
Ainaechoiriel chapter 1 . 12/23/2002
Cute! But I'm left to wonder why Legolas didn't open the door?
Soledad chapter 1 . 12/22/2002
That was fun! Celeborn is great. And Legolas is one mischievous Elf, letting his father clsoed up in the dungeon.
ErinRua chapter 1 . 12/21/2002

This was too cute! ROTFL! And then Celeborn finds the whole family drunk as lords! Heehee! Sorry this is one of those gushy, non-constructive reviews, but darnit, I enjoyed it, you made me laugh, and it's fun to see Celeborn playing Daddy To 'Em All! A fun little romp - thanks for sharing!

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