Reviews for Of Little Knights and Snowball Fights
DelennTriesTalkingLikeAHuman chapter 1 . 5/26
Great story.
Musafreen chapter 1 . 6/30/2015
Okay so apparently I have been getting nitpickier with age (...this surprises nobody) but there was that one line where you suddenly jumped from jon's head to arya's ("but anger bubbled within Arya.") and that line could have been done better from jon's perspective I think.

awwww snowballing stark babies almost makes you wish nothing bad had ever happened to them. almost, but where's the fun in that. really though, the snowball fight scene was adorable. i was grinning all the way thorough it.

Catelyn was, perversely enough, my other favorite part. I like how... stark (HEH) the relationship between her and Jon was. Very nice, even with the limited screentime.

As for the rest, there's only so much I really know about the characters and that colors my judgement. Which is to say that I liked it and it made me smile, but it didn't really make me feel much (THIS IS VERY POSSIBLY A RESULT OF THE TERRIBLE WAY I HAVE OF READING SOIAF, or possibly a result of me being the most apathetic person ever)

- except for the snowball fight scene. I really really really really loved the snowball fight scene. Especially because I know what comes after it was tearjerkworthy AND happy and I'm a sucker for that. /cuddles snowball fight scene
bye123456789 chapter 1 . 6/29/2015
Baby Starks! Are really cute!
Did you know that Jon/Arya is one of my favorite relationships? Probably because it was literally the first brotp I shipped in this series. And also because they have such. little. screentime. together
So yeah, this was really cute and fun to read and I liked it
compartmental chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
I've only read the first half of the first book, but since you said this was set before the series, I figured I'd be okay. Either way, I hope I haven't missed anything.

Overall, this is cute. Really, really cute. I adore Jon and Arya's relationship, and I love that her innocence may go away but her indifference (for lack of a better word) never did. I only have one piece of criticism, and you're free to ignore it, but I feel like the sentence [Little did she know that when she did run away, they'd be hundreds of miles apart] would be better left unsaid.

Anyway, loved it! So adorable.

Ta x
Not Using FF chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Well, by the old gods and the new, I'm miserable now.

Great stuff though. Really well-written.
Reader chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
You might want to give a more detailed background.
liliths chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
33333 your skills are amazing and jon arya friendship is even more amazing and everything about this fic is amazing i love it very very much 3333