Reviews for Messages to you, my dear Hikaru
NelariChan chapter 1 . 5/7
Puta madre.. Quiero lloraaaaaar! FUE HERMOSOOOO Y DOLOROSO
Kc495 chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
Oh my god. Never have I read something so bittersweet, sad, and one that pulled hard at my heartstrings. I finished it and it felt me crying. I was crying so much that I had to put the phone down and get a tissue. I'm. It being over exaggerate. I really cried. The letter to Hikaru was what got me the most, and the last part where you mentioned what Hikaru was doing. He's my favorite character in the whole series and this really made me bawl. You did a wonderful job.
Existiert Nicht chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
Such a sad story. :(
HikaruHitachiin1957 chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Gosh you made me cry, I haven't had a good cry like this in a while. I really loved this story, it was sad that Hikaru had to die though. Now I also learned that I will be terrible being at a funeral because I was making my sadness by laughing and making jokes. But besides that, this is one of my favorite stoies.
Alimackatjac chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Good start...I shed one tear.