Reviews for Hisuru Hana
Athena1242 chapter 2 . 3/26/2018
I hope you update soon
xFallenDemonx chapter 2 . 2/18/2016
Aww that was so cute and sweet! :)
Brenda293 chapter 2 . 9/16/2015
This is so adorable , without been too sweet .The way I like it . I can't to see more so , don't give up !
Brenda293 chapter 1 . 9/16/2015
English isn't my first language either but I can tell you're doing good And for the story it's just the first chapt .So I had to see more before .
Addicted-to-OkiKagu-and-I7 chapter 2 . 7/16/2015
I love it! TT i'll definitely wait for your next update! Although kazamaxchizuru is my 2nd otp... wahh I missed reading kasama and chizuru fanfics
RanulfFlambard4 chapter 2 . 7/9/2015
Great story, I'm looking forward to reading more. You're English is great by the way, no cause for concern there! :D Also I like the Amagiri/ Sen ship! Looking forward to reading more!
Priscilla chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
I really love it!
There aren't many ffs about them and this was amazing. Please continue it!
camille chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
God! Its so hot! Please write an Okita and Chizuru one shot! Pleaaase! I cant get enough of yhem! KazaChizu and Okichi FOREVER3 hahahahaha!
And by the way if you were going to considere my request,will make it more romantic than this kazaChizu fic of yours? :) I would love if okita and chizuru are in a relationship and okita being sweet in his teasing way by calling her as his "girlfriend" and touching her in inappropriate places! :D pleeeaaaassse?! Hahahaha!
Im going to die by having a heart attack if you considere my request and a great birtday gift for me! Hahahaha xD

By the way this is sooo awemazing! (Means amazing and awesome)