Reviews for A slight change
Eric chapter 5 . 2/17/2019
This story is fantastic! I’m really interested in seeing what happens next with Peggy and Jack. Please update asap!
Hurricane Jackson chapter 5 . 12/22/2018
This story is awesome! I love the interaction between Jack and Peggy, as well as the differences in the story from the television show. Please update soon!
JusticeNotRevenge chapter 5 . 8/5/2018
I am in love with this story! I really can't wait to see how it will unfold.
Guest chapter 5 . 3/20/2018
Hello, I have been reading a great deal of your Cartson stories, and may I just say, woah. I am very impressed and can't get enough of your writing, and actuate portrayal, of these two. I'm really enjoying this retelling of the original Agent Carter that I so dearly love. I thought I was crazy for shipping Jack and Peggy at the beginning of the series, but seeing all of this Cartson fic is trully amazing. I know it has been quite awhile since you have updated this story, however, I definitely think it deserves more. It's interesting and I simply must know what happens next! My only request is that you just think about continuing this story, pretty please? With a cherry on top!
KateGT chapter 5 . 3/10/2018
I recently rewatched Agent Carter and with that came Cartson fanfiction reading. XD I know that I'm 3 years too late but I've enjoyed this story immensely! You are an amazing author and the way you've rewritten the show is incredible. The work you've put into this has really paid off. Thank you!
elliolympus234 chapter 5 . 2/18/2018
I know you haven't updated this story in a while, but it's really good. I just found it and I love the whole idea of it. I really hope that Daniel and Peggy still end up together, but I like that Jack is turning into less of an asshole. One thing that I think would be cool is if when Daniel finds out Peggy is the blonde girl, when he reports it Jack has to drag him aside and tell him it's Peggy. I think it would be a cool moment for humor having Daniel freak out and then end up helping Peggy and the others.

I hope you continue with this story, it's a really good idea and good plot. You're writing is also really good and thorough. Don't feel pressured or rushed to finish this story. Work, school and life should come first and don't let anybody hassle you into finishing something on a schedule that's not your own.

Anyway, I really love this story and can't wait to see where you take it.
Lazy Imagination chapter 5 . 11/20/2017
Hi there! Author, this work is amazing, I really like it! And I need the new chapter like an air for breathing
ClumsyAme chapter 1 . 8/1/2017
This is such a good story you should definitely continue with it. And take your timewriters block can be a bitch. You really know how to draw someone in good work
VioletandGinger chapter 5 . 6/7/2017
Is there going to be any more chapters after this one?
Mel chapter 5 . 12/8/2016
I love your stories.
Love the way your changing the original story
kitty270694 chapter 5 . 4/19/2016
Will you be updating this story by any chance? I really love it and would love to read more!
shepweir always chapter 5 . 2/29/2016
Oh please you have to continue this incredibly wonderful Cartson adventure. I really love this plot line and can't wait to see what happens in Oslo. There are not enough great top quality Cartson adventures. You write them so well and in a completely believable manner. You bring their relationship to fruition in a very powerful and moving manner. I wish that you would update this brilliant adventure the first chance that you get. Your fans are impatiently waiting your genius. All of your support characters are right on and I wish that you could keep penning additional escapades for our favorite duo and their co patriots. Jack & Peggy are my newest addiction and I am truly wishing for a season 3. Thank you for doing an outstanding job with the best reason to be hooked on AC. I think that your descriptions are spot on and their verbal exchanges are top notch. 10 stars for fabulous and fantastic...
shepweir always chapter 1 . 2/27/2016
Oh I am truly enjoying this alternate plot idea of how the mission gets accomplished. I am a major Cartson fan and am still hoping that they will be endgame. I want to ask you to please please keep updating this amazing and powerful story. You are doing an outstanding job with the characters. I can totally imagine them facing off in that bar. To me they bring out the best and the worst in each other. But isn't that usually the way most great love stories go until the happy ever after part? I just can't see a woman as passionate and strong as Peggy is choosing Daniel. He is just too laid back and not enough of a challenge for the woman who won the heart of CA.
Soului chapter 5 . 2/21/2016
Can't wait for the commandos chapter. Thanks for this!
Angels-heart1 chapter 5 . 2/3/2016
Great story! Loving it! Can't wait to read more!
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