Reviews for On that Fateful Day
Mystic ToMatooo chapter 23 . 4/13/2019
Please so continue and I have a personal request! Please let Ayame interact more with Eto and change her into a good person and that way Yoshimura's wish will be fulfilled. I hope Ayame and Eto will become best friends in the future (excluding Hide and Kaneki) and they are both female natural one-eyes ghouls. Eto is not THAT bad of a person and her dream is a world where both ghouls and humans can coexist peacefully so Ayame can help her become better and not sadistic I hope you heed my request and this story is amzing! Keep up the good work friend!
Texas1177 chapter 23 . 4/9/2019
You said you keep to this story but years of no update and you are still on fan fictions so why no reply
Guest chapter 3 . 3/26/2019
I need Ayame-San to become a ghoul.
Anyway this is pretty entertaining
I like it
Xaphyr chapter 23 . 2/1/2019
Very good, I hope you start updating again soon :)))
Imminent chapter 9 . 4/24/2018
I adore Hide. Honestly there seems to be more chemistry between him and Ayame than Kaneki. Which is disappointing because Kaneki is awesome. So good to see the plot thickening for Ayame though! Can’t wait to see how she turns out biologically.
Imminent chapter 6 . 4/24/2018
I’ve caught on to some hints at Ayame having blocked out something crucial in her past. I hope it’s legit and also hope it shows itself soon!
Imminent chapter 4 . 4/24/2018
The ending of this chapter was very heartwarming and the most genuine read as of yet.
Imminent chapter 1 . 4/24/2018
My only two complaints are the “fufufu” for evil laughter (it kills the setting, really does; just write she cackled or whatever in replacement) and the silly things like throwing a phone or a pen, as if that would REALLY startle Rize, a murderous crazed ghoul. Cuz it wouldn’t...

BUT! Other than those, I think it’s great and I’m curious if this will diverge from canon.
bbymojo chapter 23 . 4/8/2018
I just discovered this fic. And it’s excellently executed and well written. I really like Ayame and how much you’ve included Hide into this story. Please don’t abandon this! Looking forward to the next update!
supboyyyyy93 chapter 19 . 2/2/2018
LOL! Okay seriously! Why does ayame love kaneki instead off hide? what reason does she have other than kaneki being the main character? if i wasn't convinced before this chapter i definitely am now! hide needs a girl asap! how can he not have a pairing with the way he acts? if not ayame then most definitely TOUKA! besides touka's human friend, i think hide should be the one to break through touka's last emotional wall towards humans especially with the way they did him dirty in the anime. hes also a down to earth kind of guy and thinks realistic towards ghouls and the world in general. i also hope i get to see an ayame vs eto battle in the future, a fight between two of the strongest beings on the planet will be awesome to see. but damn, did eto really have to do ayame dirty like that lol.
supboyyyyy93 chapter 1 . 1/18/2018
forgot how great of a story this was and it's getting fixed a little. lets see the changes to the story i hope its nothing to drastic.
Callahian chapter 23 . 11/14/2017
Loooove this storyyy.
I hope you’ll update soon enough!

Imagine if you update Christmas! That would be awesome!
As a gift for all of your readers! :)
Fairy Tail Master23 chapter 23 . 9/28/2017
supboyyyyy93 chapter 23 . 9/24/2017
man this story is great. im just starting to now get into tokyo ghoul so i get a little lost at some points but i should be able to understand more later on. now i was a bit disappointed that ayame turned out to be a half-ghoul and not just any ghoul but a chimera which if i remember right is very rare. the problem i have with this is that it almost ruined ayame for me as a great character because she was a HUMAN who understood that ghouls need to eat humans to survive and respected that. i love characters who can see their world for what it truly is,not in black and white and ayame and hide are the ones that really shined for me when it came to not caring if ken was a human or ghoul. the reason i said ALMOST ruined ayame was because she didn't know she was a half-ghoul she thought she was born and raised as a human and that's what saved her character. i was starting to get nervous when she turned into a chimera because i thought she was going to be a mary sue but now i see that's not the case but i do feel her brother just came out of nowhere in the story. As for the pairing i really don't see any problems with ayame and ken and im sure with the way that they act stubborn all the time they have a long way to go. now im going have to disagree and say that touka and hide should definitely be a couple if anybody deserve each other it will have to be touka and hide. from the tiny interaction in your story it just wouldn't surprise me if they end up together with touka's shy yet brash personality and hide's funny wise and prankster personality along with touka's hatred of humans and hide's fair understanding of ghouls i can see them being a great pairing to write and read about. these are my thoughts on the story so far and im excited for more update soon!
lizyeh2000 chapter 23 . 7/10/2017
Thanks for updating! It's been awhile
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