Reviews for Coming Down
Guest chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
This is gorgeous, so realistic and sad and still hopeful. I love your writing style, how you write time and transitions and Lorna.
whenaspritemeetsaunicorn chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
Love this!
inmatemorello chapter 1 . 8/10/2015
it has taken me forever to get back into properly reading and writing fics but oh my, i love this!

(They both said no when they meant yes, and maybe it was a habit they could finally unlearn.) - this says everything about them and i love how hopeful this and the fic as a whole ends! because of course we need hope after season 3

I love the lipstick references and how you wrote her in prison, not really living but just surviving. You really do write Lorna's state of mind so well!
Q chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Damn. That was good
beezyland chapter 1 . 7/14/2015
First of all, you had me at "heavily disregards canon."

My favorite of your departures from canon is everyone making the effort to pull Lorna through day to day activity. One of the many things that bugged me about season 3 was how we have that beautiful, teary "I love you too" and then they turn Lorna crying all over Litchfield into this seemingly comical thing? (The veering into hysterical and surrendering to a living fantasy I found appropriate, but laughing and pointing beforehand?) And other than Gina reassuring Lorna that Nicky's fine, no one else seemed concerned? Not Piper, even after admitting Lorna was the first person who was nice to her or Red, her prison mother. Anyway...

You mentioned pills. Nice little detail and creative choice that contributes to the piece as a whole. Honestly, that possibility didn't even cross my mind till I read it here.

"It was never a lie if you believed it, and Lorna believed and believed and believed until her teeth hurt." This is Lorna. You get Lorna and her headspace and her personal version of rationalization. Also, referring to doing time as "purgatory" - a nod to Lorna being born and raised Catholic?

Of course Franny has Bachelor viewing parties. I love that.

I loved how Lorna went hunting for her shade of lipstick. The symbolism there. The importance. How it all represents a turning point for her and how Lorna doesn't run from it. I love all your little details, including literally marking the passage of time via black lines and repeating the glass and water at the opening and closing, coming full circle. It's just beautiful.

Your writing style is so smooth and this piece almost hazy, which feels appropriate given Lorna's mental and emotional state, how she's basically sleepwalking through life, constantly doubting herself and her and Nicky. That's also something I love, something these two total opposites have in common - they're constantly thinking and thinking and thinking, but never talking about these things they probably should. They probably should talk about the important things, but then, when they're together, despite the time they spent apart, that easy "hey, kid" soothes the demons and gives me hope that these two might be okay.

I really enjoy your take on Nicky and Lorna and their relationship and, hey, if this is you writing rusty, I can't wait to see what you do next.
u r awesome chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
Beautiful! I really loved these two together and when she married Vince I died a little. I mean, the guy is likable and pretty alright, but no one can compete to the thing Lorna had with Nicky. Great job!

u r awesome
goofyduxs777 chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
Beautiful story! I am a little upset that Lorna married Vince but I have a feeling that it won't last. And if I am wrong in my feeling I have a hell of a lot of hope! But I will take this story into headcanon! Thank you!
Nichorellos chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
This was absolutely incredible, I was waiting for the fandom to write Nichorello fics to mend our broken hearts after Season 3 and lemme tell ya...this does not disappoint. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
I loved this.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
Thank you. I needed this. I love your insight into how Lorna's mind works. Are you planning on doing any more?