Reviews for Fatherless Day
Guest chapter 1 . 6/21/2018

KAITREDNINJAGO chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
Bruh I love FirstFandomGirls comment... but I'm not crying simply because
...I'm batman
icegirl75love chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
awww so cute
FirstFandomFangirl chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
I'm not crying! :D Mwahaha, this story made me laugh. Y'know why? Cause I'm a nindroid.

ZanexPixal4ever chapter 1 . 8/10/2015
I loved that. It made me cry, it really did. You are very talented you know
orangedebateboxes chapter 1 . 6/23/2015
That was really good! It was sad but I really enjoyed reading it. I think that the idea of Garamandon 'adopting' them is one that should be seen more often. The part where he asked if he could adopt Nya and Kai for the day made really happy. :) I hope you write more stories like this. ~
Kai's Girlfriend chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Okay, I NEARLY cried! You were right. I can't believe those skeletons attacked a battle not given AND killed their Lord's oldest friend!? If those skeletons can die again and if looks could kill... you know the rest. If I see the skeletons who killed Kai and Nya's father...
Let's just say they better prepare for a painful, gruesome and long nap. I'm crazy. You get cookies! (::)(::)(::)(::)(::)(::)(::)(::)(::)(::) XD
PiratePirata chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
This seems like a good one-shot like there isn't really more to add as though it's thee end of this story

And also this is upsetting. It's so weird... I didn't cry but it feels so upsetting to me.
Swimmer Ninja chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
I liked it. You do a really good job expressing the characters' feelings. Can't wait to see what else you're writing this summer.
LucyBrick123 chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
SlushyGoo chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
Sad...but happy in a way... It was a great story!
CherryJay8 chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
SMITHING DAY!adorable! okay, sorry but I didn't feel the slightest bit sad... ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! Reading this while watching GMM does not make a good combo... BUUUUUTTTT one thing's for sure: you can't be happy if you can't be sad... and I saw that I'm here.m gonna re read this later with NO distractions... heh heh... also, love/dislike the titlefatherless?! Noooooo! that's what I first thought... "adopted" by Garsako.