Reviews for His Holelyness
MalfoyWeasly chapter 1 . 3/19/2016
I laughed so hard I love this
babyvfan chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
...I'm still stuck on the ending, I'm laughing as I type it because I can see it so clearly. Maybe because Daniel Radlciffe was in a similar situation in his movie, what if. You did a good job with this story. I have to admit I don't like stories where Harry still holds past grudges with Draco. Doesn't seem necessary since the war had an effect on them all. Also he doesn't seem like the type. He was willing to forgive Snape after all
I know okay chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
His drunken confession was hilarious.
DRARRYLOVR4EVERINMYHEART chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Koizumi Scarlet chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Yes, I love george! He's amazing and his advice is soooo good! I loved his rant, because, don't get me wrong, I love snape, but there is quite the double standard where draco is concerned. Harry's drunken talk ws hilarious, but I really loved how he continued on even after draco hit him with a sobering charm:) I can just imagine the taunting george will get out of harry and his...lampshade... Hahahahahahaha, loved it!
Ani Mei chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
This is funny and true. George's arguments that is. It's very nice and refreshing to have another character, mainly a Weasley/George to defend Draco and get them together.
DarkAthene chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
This is briljant! I laughed so hard at the last part, with Harry grabbing the lamp and trying to be all calm, and George calling Harry and Draco scarhead and ferret face, really hilarious.
Loved the rest of this story as well, drunk Harry is adorable (loved the 'Mofloy') and George's speech/rant was impressive (even though it's Snape bashing, all of it is sorta true..).
All in all, amazing writing and a great one shot!
Girl-luvs-manga chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
Totally what Harry would do.
Kigen Dawn chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
And that's one reason I love the twins... Only it could of been better was if... Cutting that thought off there... Don't need anyone being sad
GingerHannah chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
I'm not sure I've read a story I agreed with more. This was great to read. Everytime George opened his mouth I just nodded along with him.