Reviews for Of Fights and Mistletoe
jj chapter 1 . 9/20/2013
lol nice
FireKai chapter 1 . 9/28/2008
I liked the story. It was cute and interesting too. The only bad thing I have to point out is that you made mistakes with Mako's Tsunami name, since it's Mako, not Mecho. Other than that, the story was very good.
koolmint26 chapter 1 . 8/1/2007
aww that was kawaii!

Mecho isn't that good looking...he's so buff lol
insight-to-insanity chapter 1 . 2/22/2005
Very nice _ hee hee, Ryou getting stolen away by Malik was a nice touch ~_
Yukiko-Angel chapter 1 . 2/22/2005
*giggle* aw, sweet one shot ;)
Anon chapter 1 . 12/6/2004
Jackiie-ROCKSTARR chapter 1 . 3/14/2004
*!*!*Hey there!*!*!
Wowie, was soo fluffy! I love fluff! Huh..if only there was more setoxjoey fanfics out there! I think you would be EXCELLENT at making a PURE joeyxseto fic with lots of fluff and minor lemon/lime! You should try! IF YOU DO, YOU HAVE TO contact me! If you don't, I think I will like die! This fic is so cute..ah! I can't explain!
One VERY minor problemo...
At the very end, the last couple of paragraphs, you put 'where' instead or 'were'. Common mistake!
Anways, ExCeLLEnT sToRy!
Keep on writing,
Ja Hun _
purplechaos04 chapter 1 . 9/11/2003
Awesome! I just love all of yr stories, and this is no exception.
Nekocin chapter 1 . 8/28/2003
Aww... cute. How cute. Not bad. Just a few missused words here and there, but overall kawaii _. Nice work.
evilkari358 chapter 1 . 8/15/2003

Yes the Mako thing was great.

*giggles* ...never thought of it that way when I was watching...*hm*

Anyways, loved it.
Triste chapter 1 . 8/12/2003
Aww, this was absolutely adorable! I adore Christmas fics and I adore fluffy fics, so of course I was going to love this. The idea of Mako having a crush on Yugi makes me giggle and squee at the same time, while I felt so sorry for poor Jounouchi having both Bandit Keith *and* Rex Raptor eyeing him up. Oh yes, and trying to avoid Mai at the same time ::laughs::

One of the things that cracks me up about Kaiba is the fact that he can be so immature sometimes, especially when it comes to Jounouchi, even though he's a very intelligent, wise-beyond-his-years teenage boy. He's still a human being even though he tries so hard to hide it and he still has his faults and failings, which is only part of what makes him such an interesting character. You manage to capture this extremely well, even though this fic is just short and sweet and fluffy.

I can easily see him getting jealous and possessive and I can also see that sort of thing driving Jounouchi absolutely up the wall, but they still manage to work things out in the end. Well, Kaiba even goes so far as to apologise, which is a pretty big thing for him. You've managed to soften him up a little, yet still keep him fairly in character and I applaud you for it.

I knew there was a reason that you're one of my latest favourite authors! _
x Hearts chapter 1 . 7/28/2003
that was so great! '.~ plz continue soon!
Xiaolang's Ying Fa chapter 1 . 6/5/2003
WOW! You should do a sequel to this! It, was very cute.
Draggy2 chapter 1 . 5/27/2003
Hi! Don’t ask me why I decided to read a Christmas of all fics but, *shrugs* I did AND very much enjoyed it. Ahh, so cute. Thanks! Oh, and also I wanted to comment on how PERFECT Seto’s dialect was… at least before his, yay Jou, which we all love. But I mean it. For example, you had him say, “Well, as you can clearly see I’m fine”. By adding ‘clearly’ you kinda mock the person you’re talking to and belittle them, not only that but it just sounds so Kaibaish. I just thought it was worth mentioning. I’ve only just started reading Jou/Kaiba’s and you’re the first to actually give him comments you can actually hear him say with his cold commanding (great) voice.
Akuma Malick chapter 1 . 4/12/2003
WE! so much Joey n Seto fluff! Great one shot!

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