Reviews for the Photographer and the Lonely Artist
toxicthorne97 chapter 4 . 9/25/2019
I don't even know if you'd ever going to read this, but I just want to say that this is such a beautiful story, the kind that makes me extremely happy I recently made an account on this site after 3 years of just reading here, and I'm pretty sure this is my first comment ever, because you're just that good. Thank you for the amazing story, and if you ever have time, please do continue it again. :)
Carrie281 chapter 4 . 8/11/2019
I love this story so much! Thank you for sharing it. X
Guest chapter 4 . 3/26/2019
I miss this story :(
I really hope some day you complete it. It’s a beautiful story and I would love to know how it all progresses. It’s a very unique story. Love the use of emotions in here and how poetically you describe everything.

I love Klaroline in this and can’t wait to know what happens next :)
Guest chapter 4 . 12/11/2018
Still hope with all my heart you will update... ️
mndalala chapter 4 . 10/20/2018
this story is beautiful and i adore this so much. here's hoping you'll update this one day. take care!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/13/2018
I adore this story with all my heart, its so hauntingly beautiful! So glaringly tragic but also with so much love in every single sentence, that as much as it hurts to see their pain you cant stop reading. I adore your versions of these characters, Caroline with her gigantic heart and light but also her insecurities. And Klaus, wow! I never read a AH version of him in which he is so dark, I think you did an amazing job with his pov, reflecting on his past, and why it made him so broken and detached from the real world. The way he sees and lives everything around him in color is a perfect touch. Despite his inner world being so lonely and conflicted it does come perfectly across that he is a beautiful soul underneath it all, and that is what Caroline truly falls for. It seems she is ready to understand him and accept him even now that he is crumbling and he adores her and she will never be second to him! Just perfect!
I cant wait for Elijah to talk to Care, I love that he is always looking out for his brother. Hope that you can update this again one day
Shaniia.anonymous chapter 4 . 7/18/2018
Please update thisx
Guest chapter 4 . 6/12/2018
Omg I really need to know what Elijah is going to say to Caroline.
cameronlove chapter 4 . 2/6/2018
For the love of god.. Please update.. I can't even explain in words How much I love and adore this story. Its so close to me heart... It reduced me into tears... Oh God.. I really want them to be together, perhaps the would be... Also, Idk what is the story behind Charlotte and Klaus.. But I want Klaus to realise that his love for her is stronger than what he felt in past. This is so so so heart touching... I love you, For writing this story, Im so intrigued... So so much. Thank you
Blueberrygold chapter 3 . 11/16/2017
This story is so bloody beautiful and touching and brilliant. I really really adore it. I’ve found myself going back to read this fic multiple times because it’s such an enjoyable read. Your writing is incredible as well as the story that’s being told throughout, it’s completely different from any klaroline fics I have read and it is by far one of my favourite fanfics you for blessing me with this. (Lmao sorry for being Cheesy and kind of rambley I just have a lot of feelings after rereading this fic for the 20th time)
Guest chapter 4 . 8/7/2017
Oh please update this!
bob55506 chapter 4 . 7/25/2017
I absolutel this story. Like seriously. I love it so much. It's so beautifully written and it's flawless. I've read it about a dozen times and every time I read it, it's like it gets more beautiful. I can't even begin to describe all the things I love about it. I adore the way you wrote Klaus. How broken and vulnerable he seems, but you did it in such a way that he doesn't even seem OOC. You have a tremendous amount of talent. This story is definitely one of my favourites. I can't wait for the next chapter to come out. This story is seriously underrated. To be honest, even if we didn't get a happy ending I feel like I would still love it. I LOVE AND I LOVE AND I LOVE AND I LOVE THIS SO MUCH.
Have I mentioned how much I love this.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/18/2017
This is so beautifully written.
secile chapter 4 . 5/14/2017
Oh this is so interesting! And i can't wait to read the next part.
Wreckless Righter chapter 4 . 5/8/2017
How did I not realize this was updated 3 months ago? i swoon and sigh dreamily every time I read your updates. And then I cry and hide like Klaus when I realize my writing is so inferior to yours xD No but seriously you are very gifted, my darling. Cannot wait for the rest.
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