Reviews for Sacrifice
Clexa38469 chapter 21 . 4/1
I must say that this story was incredible, but damn, you broke my heart!
Thank you tho, you made me dream for a few hours!
ekinguney17 chapter 6 . 1/20
I think Clarke has borderline disorder
SophiaFox17 chapter 21 . 4/18/2019
I love good
rossriver chapter 21 . 1/23/2019
I love this story so so much, thank you!
lemon-rind chapter 21 . 3/19/2018
Do you know this has the most faves of any other Clexa fic on FF? It's pretty impressive! Seriously good job. Thanks for writing this
azwildcats chapter 12 . 12/20/2017
Haven't read the chapter yet, but your Lost Girl AN got me super excited to reply before reading because I have so been there! I came into the show after it had already aired on television, and I already knew it had a huge following on this site so I decided to give it a go... and it was epic. I binged the entire series on Netflix for days until I finished it in its entirety. I never jumped on the Dyson or Lauren ship though. I didn't like either of them for Bo. I was actually on Team Lauren until we found out about her gf and then I was like nope, bye Lauren. But then Tamsin came along and I hated her until I suddenly absolutely loved her. I was hard cheering for her and Bo. I loved Tamsin. And Kenzie. OMG. She made Lost Girl. I adored her. Kenzie, Tamsin, and in later seasons Vex - those were my favorite characters.
Ah. Anyway, I rambled. I'm gonna go read the chapter now. I saw that little "i could see Bellamy tomorrow would be fine" line you threw into last chapter though so I'm prepared for the inevitable heartbreak coming Lexa's way. Ugh. He's always in the way.
Jhorton chapter 21 . 12/10/2017
Hi. I just finished reading Sacrifice and, though it's been a while since you originally wrote it and I'm sure you've done other awesome things since then, I just wanted to tell you I enjoyed it. I recently watched season 3 of The 100 with the gf (only season I've seen) and afterwards found your Tumblr and subsequently this story. I saw in the author notes that you went through some stuff while writing it and wanted to also say I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. Anyway, thank you for the story and for keeping me reading all weekend! LOL.
- Jessie
Guest chapter 21 . 9/14/2017
Great work, the reading experience was quite enjoyable :)
hpfan369 chapter 11 . 8/22/2017
For Chapter 11. It is beautiful, probably the best smut I've ever read.
NomadDreamer chapter 21 . 8/16/2017
I cannot adequately express how much I adored this story. I devoured it from start to finish. I'm not gonna lie, I was getting kind of worried after the Mount Weather Incident and I was cursing you when Clarke slept with Niylah, but somehow you managed to make them fall even more in love with one another afterwards and so I had to forgive you! Phenomenal. I truly hope you've written more for me to obsess over.
SophiaFox17 chapter 21 . 7/18/2017
I really don't comment on complete FanFic because I feel like there is no point but this one and the last one really made me cry and again I have never cried so hard on a FanFic before so thank you for making such a great story...I really do hope that you make more Clexa fiction and hopefully better then the next...again thank you for making such a beautiful story
SophiaFox17 chapter 20 . 7/18/2017
This made me cry I have never cried so hard when reading a FanFic before
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 11 . 5/2/2017
Did Lexa and Clarke have to announce that they had sex?! Why?! And what does Lexa mean by she let Clarke keep her self respect and pride? - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :) what did Ri point out? What did Norma make us laugh at? Lol. There Smut was amazing! Though did Lexa take off Clarke's pants and underwear at the same time? And Clarke trims her pussy hair? Does Lexa? I absolutely love dominant and top and in control Lexa and bottom and submissive Clarke! Also I absolutely love shy and blushing and flustered and nervous Clarke and smirking and teasing and confident and all knowing Lexa! It's my absolute favorite Clexa OTP! :) ;) - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
I hope you go check out my Clexa Prompts on AO3! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 9 . 5/2/2017
Their first fight as a married couple! Poor Lexa! Thinking Clarke doesn't love her when Clarke actually does but is horrible in communicating that she does. - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 8 . 5/2/2017
I think your AN here is missing some words. Lol! I can't remember if all of Norma's vision happen. When did Lexa aks Norma to tell her her visions to her? And why would Costia die? Costia is Lexa's friend. But didn't Costia do something with Lexa a few years earlier...? - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
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