Reviews for Used
AdyaP chapter 18 . 10/28/2019
I love it! My my my, this is already like my fav story of Chuck and Blair!
edgeof4teeners chapter 18 . 8/21/2019
I’ve never seen Chuck and Blair portrayed so... different yet very accurately. It’s absolutely refreshing, I see so many fics that overdue the backstabbing and lies epecially during season 1 after Victrola, but your characterizations were golden and an eye opener. Awesome and terrific story. Just lovely!
iluvreading chapter 18 . 8/8/2018
Thanks! It was great. I like how encouraging Chuck was in getting Blair help.
Klarobass chapter 18 . 9/17/2016
Judy getting around to this story about the late reviee. I've had an extremely busy last couple of weeks and Greek behind in fics, so I was only able to get to it now.

I loved your conclusion to this, but I would have loved to see an epilogue or another chapter or two to wrap everything up. Like I would have liked to see a resolution to the Georgina/, Nate storyline. It felt rushed a bit, but it was still a really enjoyable ending, so I'm not disappointed in the least.

Eleanor really has some nerve to criticize her relationship with Chuck considering she was the one who out it into motion in the first place. Loved seeing Curtis being supportive of Blair. I also loved Chuck and Blair's date/faux takedown. I totally understand were Blair covered from on the contract. Chuck should have been more honest with her from the beginning with his intentions, because I could in the future see her wanting to marry Chuck, but for them, not because of Bart or business dealings. I love how they admitted their feelings to each other. She admitted it for herself, and for them rather then because of Eleanor, Bart, Nate, Georgina etc. It was at that moment just about them.

I think you've been a great writer in this fandom, and if this is your last fic with the fandom then I thank you for your contribution. I plan on re-reDing both your fics in this fandom relatively soon.
Running-Wild22 chapter 15 . 9/17/2016
Just tell her!
Running-Wild22 chapter 7 . 9/17/2016
This is why she should have just told Chuck when she had the chance.
Running-Wild22 chapter 2 . 9/17/2016
Girl just tell Chuck the truth,he will be more pissed when it comes out.
robin0802 chapter 18 . 9/11/2016
I loved it! It was the perfect ending. I really liked this story from beginning to end.
I hope you write more!
Guest chapter 18 . 9/9/2016
an awesome conclusion to an awesome story! it was definitely worth the wait! i love that everthing is now cleared and they get to be happy :D

it was a really interesting idea for a chair story, and i adored every single chapter!
iALLIEgator chapter 18 . 9/8/2016
it's such a signt to get an update! I hope there's an epilogue. On my part the chapter was lovely but it felt short a little. I thought there could be something more exciting before they blurt out their feelings. But the turnout was lovely. I hope you continue to write more Chair stories :)
Guest chapter 18 . 9/8/2016
Thank you for finishing your story. I really enjoyed this finale chapter.
bookworm7117 chapter 6 . 9/7/2016
I like the idea of this fic and I'm enjoying it. But I just don't get the whole Chuck and Nate dynamic here. Chuck seems to have zero loyalty to Nate whatsoever. He didn't apologize. He didn't try to warn him. He didn't try to put bros before hoes. Idk. It just seems unrealistic to me because their friendship has always been very, very strong. Nate was the only person who really cared about Chuck for a long time (besides Blair, but she was Nate's girlfriend). Nate is the person Chuck learned how to be a friend to and to love and to protect.
Guest chapter 17 . 9/4/2016
I read your entire story again. I adore it! Cant wait for aznother chzpter!
Guest chapter 17 . 6/24/2016
Amazing story but I really hare when people don't finish them
Ancient Xana of the Old Forest chapter 1 . 3/20/2016
Long time without an update... Hope u come soon!
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