Reviews for Demons
Amulet Misty chapter 1 . 6/21/2015
Oh..Oh. . no you didn't. ...Yes you did. KLAVIER. *cries into the depths of everything*.

He looked so hurt during the game and I was so hurt for him and even though it was his brother Klavier still wanted justice to be served and it was just...ahhh ;-; Family interactions from when they were younger woild kill me. Y u do this to me.

I'm just going to lie hear and roll over from feels. Thanks for that.
Aviantei chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
Ahhhhh, what is this? What IS this? No, you don't get it, Element. I love Klavier. LOVE him. Ugh, how could you do this to me, how could you- bring out the conflict Klavier has so strongly. Like, he has to put up this sort of public facade of being okay and light and happy and most of the time that's true, but this is something he can't ignore, and can't take pretending it's okay anymore. He has to deal with the consequences and the emotion.

The only thing I have to question is Kristoph calling him Piano? It's been a while since I played AJ, but that feels a bit out of character to me, even if it's mocking (unless, of course, it's canon and I'm just a dumbass for not noticing). Other than that you nailed Kristoph's personality great.

And just-just the final blow from Kristoph. I'll admit-I flinched. Just... Just no, Klavier no... (goes off and cries for several minutes)

Ah, but I love the ending line! It gave me so much to think about. I... I might have to write a follow-up fic for this, Element, just so I can get my theories out in the open and worked out. Just... great job, seriously. (adds another thing to the list to write)

Here's to a great week two and three!
Chronic Guardian chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
What the... What the heck? HOLD IT! Who else was lying? Press the witness, gosh dangit! I object! Abridged testimony! TELL MEEEEEEEEE!

Ahem. Anyway, all that aside, I like the tension here. Klavier seems like a fairly likeable sort of fellow. Too bad his brother isn't. It's a nice juxtaposition of Klavier's idealism vs. Kristoph's cold, "true" self. Is this really Kristoph just coming out from behind the mask? Or does he still have one on, only acting this way to make Klavier give up on him? Hmm... Oh how I wish I had the context for this.

...But I still like the emphasis on Klavier's familial loyalty. It paints a good picture for the audience compare to the current subject. After all, how are we to feel betrayed by Kristoph if we never knew him otherwise?

Question: Exactly how did Klavier expect this to go better? The line "This was not going nearly as well as he had hoped it would" generally pertains to situations where the speaker has some influence on the matter, particularly in that it is phrased as an ongoing process rather than ex post facto.

Good work Element! Still just a few dozen over the 500 limit, but excellent all the same.

Keep it up!