Reviews for The Way it Should Be
Guest chapter 6 . 4/30
This story is so much better than most of Season 3. Pioer cheating on Alex with Stella made me sick. Who in their right mind would every consider doing that. Alex is perfect, Stella is nothing but an egotistic loser with absolutely nothing going for her. I would never take a second look at Stella.
Vanderbilt chapter 6 . 12/20/2016
Im glad Pipers not cheating. I didnt like that about season 3.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/4/2016
Sorry to say that you should look this chapter through again, quite a few errors still
naughtyzoot chapter 10 . 7/16/2016
I liked this much better than the s3 we got! Thank you for writing it!
bobbiejelly chapter 10 . 1/8/2016
Brilliant! This was one of my favourite works. It has drama, detail, character development. Love the references to the show and the changes made. Yes yes you definetly did complete your story arc. The drama, intensity was good. Liked the balance between love, fluff, sex and of course darkness deception and dissapointment. Also the ending was super suspenseful and kept me up into late hours of the night to get to the last word.
And OMG THE CHICKEN. Would never have thought but it was extremely thoughtful :)
Librarybook chapter 10 . 10/5/2015
Omg this story had me gripped from the first chapter definitely had me in tear by the last chapter it felt so real. Alex's love for Piper was amazing and visa versa. Loved how the last chapter ended withe the 'chicken' thanks for putting your awesome spin on season 3 look forward to reading more stories from you
moanzs chapter 10 . 9/22/2015
Oh my god. This was such a wonderful chapter. The description to how Alex was feeling was just amazing, even I could feel it. Thank you so much for 'fixing' season 3. Lol. Seriously this was just amazing. I can't wait to see more from you soon.
AVreader chapter 10 . 9/16/2015
Loved your version of S3! Thanks for sharing
Can't wait to read more from you
w4nderer chapter 6 . 9/16/2015
Omg! I was so happy reading this chpt till Stella came into the picture but i loved it that she's a baddie and nicky is still in the story! Loved it! Can't wait to finish reading this. I too was major disappointed at how s3 developed and super heartbroken for vauseman. Glad to stumble upon this!

Great writing btw, keep it up! Especially loved this chpt and the titanic flashback ;)
Sam chapter 10 . 9/5/2015
Thanks! Really enjoyed this, especially the last chapter
Guest chapter 10 . 9/5/2015
Loved this fic. Emotional roller coaster that's for sure.
Vausemaniac chapter 10 . 9/3/2015
Thank you for ending this the way it should be :)
I should have known it would be a happy ending, but man oh man, when you had that flashback to the "Come to Bali" scene, I was wondering if that was the last thing Piper would remember before dying. By the way, that was beautifully described (as was the chapel scene in the previous chapter) and brought to life, esp. since the show ended the scene rather, ahem, prematurely for my taste ;) I hope you continue to incorporate flashbacks into your next story (which will hopefully be a Vauseman one) because you're so good at them.

Although I half-expected Nicky to interrupt our love birds, I was relieved that it was her, rather than a CO. I half-thought they'd wind up in SHU after their reunion, lol. Nicky though-her line "Aw shit, were you about to fuck?" cracked me up-gotta love her.
Thank you for this wonderful story, and for ending it the way it should have ended on the show, given all the crap Alex and Piper went through in seasons 1 and 2. My guess is that they had to put them through hell in season 3 so that season 4 will be even sweeter; let's hope I'm right! I do believe that Vauseman is endgame and I just wish they'd put you in charge of writing for season 3 rather than the writers who screwed up our OTP. Thanks again for this great story and for entertaining us with an alternate version of season 3. Looking forward to your next fic!
Liggycow chapter 10 . 9/1/2015
I have loved this story and I am sad and happy to have finished it. I can not wait to read anything else that you may do, you are so talented. Thank you for this fic, this is truly how Season 3 should have been! Vauseman forever 3
p.s. good luck with your second year at uni
Maggie chapter 10 . 8/31/2015
Loved the last line - perfect! Enjoyed your story & there's nothing wrong with writing it from Alex's perspective!
RJVause chapter 10 . 8/31/2015
Such a brilliant storythank you! Read the last two chapters togetherwas holding my breath for most of it! Amazing writingcan't wait to read more from you!
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