Reviews for Turnabout Reverse Apprentice
Darkhymns chapter 4 . 10/6/2016
This was such a treat to find! I love the premise of Layton calling Maya for her help, and the possible mystery of another spirit channeler. Not to mention Luke's interactions with both Phoenix and Trucy, especially now that he is disbarred. Oh goodness, and Layton spending time with Ridelle was quite adorable, and the whole, "You only enjoy my company because I have puzzles." Not very gentlemanly of you, Professor. Her little revenge act on him with the falling books was also very entertaining.

I'm sad there isn't more! I'd love to see some more Layton and Maya interaction, and when they finally meet up again. They were my favorite duo from the game and so few fanworks focus on them. However, I'm still so glad this exists and greatly enjoyed the beginning parts of this story. Thanks for writing something so fantastic.
SeagullPotion chapter 4 . 8/24/2015
Whoa, you've got me hooked on the idea of Layton seeking help from Maya for Claire :D I was so disappointed that she actually ACKNOWLEDGED her status as a spirit medium, but he just shrugged it off like nothing. One would think that chanelling the dead defies logic, but noooooo.

I digress. Excellent story so far, I'm super excited to see how this develops!
Lily Violet Oak chapter 3 . 7/23/2015
Aw, the interaction between Luke and Trucy was cute! What a shock to Luke, between seeing Phoenix with a daughter and finding out he had been disbarred! So much has changed for everyone! And did I miss it, or was there a reason mentioned as to why Luke and Professor Layton have not seen each other in so long? Surely they didn't have a falling-out! Layton is more father to Luke than his own father! In fact, until it showed Clark in the games, I thought it was going to turn out that Layton WAS Luke's father, especially with the whole "someone asks who Luke is, Layton starts to say something, and Luke quickly jumps in with his 'I'm the Professor's apprentice!'" thing. I don't know. I guess I just watch too many movies and shows.

Ah, the old question of what happens to the body of a spirit medium who channels a male. 'Tis a question I have pondered ever since Misty Fey channeled Gregory Edgeworth! I wonder WHAT on Earth that looked like!
Lily Violet Oak chapter 1 . 7/23/2015
Ooh, I like this so far! I just finished playing the game for the third time, and for the third time I was depressed that it was over! The Ace Attorney and Professor Layton series are some of my FAVORITE video game series, so when I heard that they were actually bringing this game to the U.S., I was...well, words can't really describe it. I do know that I have never "jonesed" for a game as badly as I did for this one. I went to the store two days before release and saw a copy in the case. It wasn't supposed to be in there, and they couldn't sell it to me early, but the guy let me hold it for a minute to look at the cover, and MAN, was it hard to give it back and wait!

Then, when I got it, I tried to savor it and make it last, while at the same time I could hardly put it down, so I took it to work and played during breaks! So, having said all that, I think it is criminal, yes, CRIMINAL, that there are-what, TWO stories on here for this game?! That should be a felony! Thank you so much for this story! I am now off to read more of it!
Ameftowriter chapter 2 . 6/15/2015
This is quite an interesting story! :D