Reviews for The Usual Story!
Feniks109 chapter 23 . 8/12
Such a lovely story, thank you so much!
Res Ipsa chapter 3 . 11/7/2018
Great chapter although Emma working on his will would be an ethical violation unless she was employed to give legal services to company employees. Lame I know but its the knowledge I have in my brain lol
Lonelywicked chapter 23 . 9/17/2017
Beautiful story.
Rouhn chapter 23 . 4/27/2017
Oh gosh this fic is awesome! A friend of mine recommended it and I am so thankful she did as this is just their perfect amount of happiness, drama, angst, smut, friendship and love.

I love how you built up the tension between the two lovebirds, their first meeting, the realisation which hit Emma after seeing him in the conference room. The undeniable attraction for each other - just perfect.

I just think it was a bit hasty that they finally gave in but to be honest I don't know if I had done it any other way!

I love that you let Liam and Elsa be a couple, that you included Mulan and Ruby/Whale️ - thanks for including MM and David as well.

Thank you so much for your time and effort in writing this fiction and sharing this wonderful work with us!
CShipper chapter 23 . 4/3/2017
I love the proposal! He was going to do it at home but he couldn't wait any longer. I love it. And he put the ring in a Starbucks coffee cup and he got the ring she was admiring before, that is so beautiful. It was an amazing story, I really enjoyed it. Thank you so much!
CShipper chapter 22 . 4/3/2017
Love it! Their trip was awesome and I love the birth of Eva. And how well Emma fits in with the rest of the Jones make my heart melt!
CShipper chapter 21 . 4/3/2017
Amazing and I love how they got back together! And Killian bought the Starbucks and made Mulan manager, how awesome. I love how Killian found out about Henry, I was hoping he would so that Emma wouldn't keep wondering. And he said that they would adopt him if he didn't have a home, how lovely is that!
CShipper chapter 20 . 4/3/2017
Wow, my heart was breaking but it was somewhat salvaged by that ending. I knew it was Shira! And neither wants to give the other up, but there are some things that you have to do alone. I hope that they get back together for Thanksgiving in Ireland!
CShipper chapter 19 . 4/3/2017
I'm glad that none of this affected Emma's job offer and she's taking it. And both Killian and Emma are hurting and Killian knows that Emma won't want to talk to him so he rushed back! I can't wait to see what happens! I absolutely love how one of the assistants did the brave thing and apologized and so many people apologized for their reactions. The older stern woman sounds like Granny and it was so beautiful! Please don't push Killian away, Emma!
CShipper chapter 18 . 4/3/2017
Oh, I knew something was going to happen, but this hurts, so badly. They were so happy and in love and I wonder how the magazine got this information. And some co-workers Emma has, they're seriously going to judge her on her past? And no, Emma, don't hate Killian and please don't break up with him when he gets back, you can work through this together. I wonder if it was Shira, maybe? It's so weird typing that name, cause it's so close to mine! And I wonder if this will effect Emma's job offer from Kathryn in anyway!
CShipper chapter 17 . 4/2/2017
Oh, Emma finally told Killian about her past with Neal and knows that she's in love with him. I wonder if she'll ever try to find her baby, that would be nice. And I love how Emma and Killian are so happy together, I can't help but wonder if something bad is going to happen. I hope not, but I'll have to find out the rest tomorrow! Thanks for this, I had a great time reading tonight!
CShipper chapter 16 . 4/2/2017
Amazing! Love how they spent the weekend together and Emma doesn't want to run from him and Killian's in love! I can't wait for Thanksgiving to come and they're in Ireland together!
CShipper chapter 15 . 4/2/2017
Amazing. And I love how David barged in and asked whether they were dating or not. That is too cute and I really hope that there is no angst to come, but there usually is, isn't there?
CShipper chapter 14 . 4/2/2017
I love it! Getting to know each other more through the details in their life and having a fantastic first date. I love how Killian called Liam and how excited he and Elsa were to hear about the date! Can't wait to see this next chapter!
CShipper chapter 13 . 4/2/2017
She didn't run! YES! So excited and they're going to go on a date! I love how Emma has Mary Margaret and Ruby all excited for her and I'm really looking forward to everyone in the office finding out.
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