Reviews for Where's Your Heaven?
Black Fungus chapter 1 . 11/23/2018
ahhh, your stories kill me every time! Thanks
XYZArtemis chapter 1 . 5/14/2018
Ah, I like this AU a lot... (sighs depressedly over canon version)
TheTardyOwl chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Yay! Cas is okay and they're safe! Well, as safe as Winchesters can be :)
hengrimm chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
This made me cry, I'm still wiping at my eyes while I write this (thank God for spellcheck because I can see the red lines if not the misplaced letters through the tears!). Beautifully, passionately written; Dean and Sam praying to Cas that they need him, anchoring him to this life. A death vigil becomes post-injury routine and Cas wakes up, understanding the boys truly have forgiven him, that he's truly part of their family, all because of their prayers. It's still all so heart-breaking, though, because if Cas dies, there's nothing left of him. I love Sam's last thought; a promise to find a way for Castiel to join them at the end of life, that he just won't cease to exist. Lovely, lovely piece (and son of a bitch, if I'm not still all teary-eyed!). Thank you so much for sharing this!
kitsune911 chapter 1 . 1/22/2017
No, I don't want to think about that... Knowing that, when Cas ever dies for good, thee will be no reuniting with him. Sam and Dean, they can be together, they may even have a chance to reunite with all of their friends and family, but to know that they would never be able to see Cas again is heartbreaking. After everything they've been through, when they finally find peace, Cas will cease to exist... I agree with Dean, that isn't fair. Monsters have their own afterlife for goodness' sake, evil souls, good souls... I even believe that animals have souls that go on into the afterlife. But angels have nothing. They just... Poof. It's sad...
Loreley chapter 1 . 1/1/2017
It does seem unfair that angels apparently don't have any form of an afterlife. It also doesn't really make sense of you think about it. If Death thought that he was capable of reaping God, God must have some equivalent of a soul. But if even God goes somewhere after his theoretical death, how can angels just cease to exist?

It's another great story, although not very much happened. I prefer the adjustments you made to the actual events, especially in regard to Sam's year after season 7. (He should have known better than to assume that nothing could be done. Even dying hasn't stopped them yet )
Snovolovac chapter 1 . 12/24/2016
DUUUDE. I just realized I haven't read this one! Must have accidentally skipped over it
it's amazing and wonderful, just like your every work! I'm counting this as a Christmas present hahah
Anloquen chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
Very nice story. I like how you managed to keep Dean and Sam in character - in many hurt fics they tend to be too sappy and tender, but your Dean is just perfect. Genuinely worried, but not all touchy feelsy or crying like a baby. Good job!
BeautifulDesertFoxglove chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
I cried. I actually cried over this. And I loved it
mckydstarlight chapter 1 . 12/1/2015
Team Free Will fics are my life. They make me so happy!
SayLo chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
Finally, a fic that isn't slash of some kind between cas ans Dean. Just plain brotherhood. So hard to find.. So glad I read this, amazing, and so god damn awesome fic! You're truely talented. Your writing is great and so is your mind, it's like I pictured it all happen~ Thank you for sharing your imagination with us.
butski chapter 1 . 6/14/2015
Aww, sweet and intriguing. Well done, I enjoyed it a lot.
Thanks for sharing. Take care.
RookieRamsey chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
This was very well written! Of course Cas is stuck!
LadyWallace chapter 1 . 6/9/2015
*happy tears* Oh goodness, as usual, I love how you write fix-it fics. This was all kinds of happy. I just sooo needed something like this to have happened after Purgatory. I never felt there was enough (as usual) seeing as there was no real resolution before or after Goodbye Stranger (which I'm sort of actually writing a fix-it fic for at the moment, coincidentally). And I also loved the fact you had Sam actively looking for Cas and Dean. I do understand his reasons for not doing so in the show (that's a long topic of discussion lol) but I still love the thought of him being more typical Winchester. And just the way the boys really care about Cas and look after him *happy sigh*. It hurts me thinking that they wouldn't be reunited with Cas if all three of them died, but I loved the angst it provided here. Just all around a lovely one-shot, thank you so much for sharing! Looking forward to your next chapter of "Abandon All Faith" as well of course ;)
Valeria Aurelia chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
Aww...! That was so sweet! :')
I LOVE, love, love, love-love-love-love your stories where it talks about this kinda stuff! X3 Where, NO Cas and Dean are NOT lovers, they're BROTHERS, along with Sam, too! And the actual show, though they are trying to show this, don't express it enough in my opinion.
I hope you make more stories like this! Again, I love them. In the meantime, I'll be waiting for your next masterpiece and I hope you have a wonderful day! :D
See ya! XD
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