Reviews for The Mating Game
HellsMaji chapter 5 . 8/1/2018
The summary brought me here. I like the idea of it, but I don't really like how it turned out. She figured out who he was after the third email, and I feel that just screws up a good story. That gives her a huge advantage over him. They're supposed to get to know each other anonymously first, but the knowledge is just going to color her perception of him.
Guestrn chapter 12 . 7/6/2018
I don't know why I haven't come across this story before now, but it is definitely going into my favorites list! You are very talented. You're characterization of these two complex characters, is perfect!
CKL chapter 12 . 10/19/2017
Great story! Thank you so much.
Ky03elk chapter 12 . 12/28/2015
I got my second wind," Kate laughs, bumping her hip into his as she moves around the kitchen counter. "And don't deny it. You enjoyed every bit of that tour."

Hehe, I bet he did, and so good to see the two of them enjoying the Hamptons together!
Ky03elk chapter 11 . 12/28/2015
Kate readjusts her head against him as his arms snake around her torso. "Castle?"


"For what it's worth, I could definitely fall in love with you too."

Awwww they have each other and love waiting for them. Happy dance!
Ky03elk chapter 10 . 12/28/2015
We're good, Lanie," Kate says. "Whatever little plan you had worked. So thank you and congratulations or whatever. You were right. Now tell us, were there more letters on the slugs?"

awwww they were in on it! And they did such a good job too. Also happy dance for them finally finding their way!
Ky03elk chapter 9 . 12/28/2015
She wants you to kiss her."

Awwwww she so does! And yes for all the honesty coming out!
Ky03elk chapter 8 . 12/28/2015
Then I think you may already have your answer," Martha smiles, turning to leave when she hears Alexis calling for her.

Oh Martha, truly wise and all knowing! Gotta love her, and Beckett's email for the win! Yay.
Ky03elk chapter 7 . 12/27/2015
"You okay?" he asks.

I might be falling in love you with you.

Squeal! Now all she needs to do is tell him and them to be glorious together.
Ky03elk chapter 6 . 12/27/2015
And maybe this is just me overanalyzing things, especially because I don't know how long ago your second divorce was, but do you think the reason you haven't been dating beyond one night stands is because of her? Even if it was just subconsciously?

Oh what a question Kate! Especially considering she is the answer!
Ky03elk chapter 5 . 12/27/2015
Why does she even want a chance? She doesn't want him.

She can't.

Oh but the end she does. Happy sigh. And I hope she tells him soon!
Ky03elk chapter 4 . 12/27/2015
When he looks over at her, she swears he's tossing her that same smile he was using with Kyra earlier. "Absolutely."

Oh but he is, because love, all the love.
Ky03elk chapter 3 . 12/26/2015
Now a part of her actually hopes this really is Castle, or else she's about to scare away a really nice guy named Alex.

Hehe, she nailed it and on the second go! Great detective skills are great.
Ky03elk chapter 2 . 12/26/2015
Editing e-mails shouldn't be as daunting as editing novels after all.

Lol, one would think not. But clearly this could be more than a stranger over the net, so good impressions count!
Ky03elk chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
He feels a small smile tugging at his lips. This one, this Coffeelover19, is different.

Awwww I really love you've got mail, and this has a cool twist that still is in character. Nice!
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