Reviews for The Daryl Dixon Diet
Guest chapter 32 . 12/12/2018
Cute ending! Daryl's a sweetheart... ks
kevkye chapter 32 . 12/6/2018
I don't know how you do it but this is just perfection! Let's just say that I wouldn't say anything in front of D.J. that I wouldn't want repeated to Daryl Dixon. The angry side of Daryl is one that I do not care to be on. D.J. is absolutely adorable and is just an exact replica of Daryl. Beth is going to have her hands full as D.J. gets older. Incredible job as always! :)
leftmywingshome chapter 32 . 12/5/2018
When I saw the email for this update in my inbox this morning I may have squealed.. a little! I know whatever I did had a bunch of 9th graders looking at me funny!

The Daryl Dixon Diet is one of my favorite fics of yours! And this update did not fall short! Plus there was the added bonus of it being the longest chapter written!

Who doesn’t love a jealous Daryl? Don’t mess with his Sweet Baby!

Kids are parrots and they definitely repeat the things you wish they wouldn’t!

I was proud of the way Daryl handled it though.. can’t beat up a guy for admiring your wife... just have to set him straight! Merle and Beth knowing they needed to be there just in case was sweet.

Now you’re going to have to follow up on the outcome of the oops moment... which means more of TDDD eventually! That makes me happy! Just like this update did! Thank you!
galwidanatitud chapter 32 . 12/5/2018
Aaaawwwww...Big Man is so perfect.
brady66 chapter 32 . 12/4/2018
Woohoo to the muscular arms of the Dixon brothers being back at the Mad Dawg

Love Daryl wanting to defend his wife. Milton didn’t know what to do with 6 foot tall Dixon in front of him
AwkwardPause069 chapter 32 . 12/4/2018
Omg, that was so worth the wait!
I damn near did my own spit take when DJ piped up and repeated what he'd heard, lmao! I laughed out loud for a minute. What made it even funnier is, the grandbaby is 3 now and you damn sure better be careful what you say around those little ears, 'cause that little mouth repeats everything, lol.
I'm sitting hear freezin' my tushy off but I felt a little warmed by that steam coming from Big Man's ears. Whoowee! Of course he had to remind himself just how tasty Sweet Baby is. Science an' whatnot.
Somehow I had a feeling Albert's daddy would turn out to be a pipsqueak. And who's the first pipsqueak that popped into my head? Milton, haha! I mean, c'mon, who else would name their kid Albert?
I would have paid good money to watch Big Man pull up in front of that preschool on his bike. Not because of the promise of seeing him kick ass (that too), but climbing off the bike in leathers? Shit fire and God Bless America! I love how he knew exactly where Sweet Baby and Older Dixon were the whole time, too.
But even more than that, I love that Milton's "punishment" was giving to the food bank, and the holiday message. 3 3
Also, I would totally be on board with another chap of our favorite Dixon clan anytime. ;)
Love ya like I love a man that believes in thorough research! xo
celia azul chapter 32 . 12/4/2018
I don't know what inspired this but it is brilliant and the photo where do you find them ? When I was growing up we had the Stumble Inn that was like the Mad Dawg oh the tales I could share . You are right when you give you receive sometimes we forget .
hossfan chapter 32 . 12/4/2018
Love this story ... so much so that I've gotten down to the Mad Dawg just as often as I can get there. And I gotta tell ya, I might only get there once a month or so, but I ain't been seein' ya there! No, I have not. Then again, can a body really see anythin' other than them there Dixon brothers?
Happy Holidays!
Str1der2015 chapter 32 . 12/4/2018
This has got to be one of the most entertaining things ive ever read. What a hoot!
marisapizza81 chapter 32 . 12/4/2018
So glad you’ve updated; I missed this crazy story! And I definitely appreciate the longer chapter. I have to say, I always feel like the biggest slouch compared to DDD Beth. She looks like a model, makes a huge breakfast for her boys every morning, makes a huge dinner every night, and keeps the house spotless? I’m impressed, to put it mildly. (Though I’d hate to see their grocery bill! ). Oh man, no condom...well, the world needs more cute Dixon babies anyway!
shalna66 chapter 7 . 9/12/2018
And that one made me laugh as well. And I am happy that both Merle and daryl had the same reaction.
shalna66 chapter 6 . 9/12/2018
Nice trip to the beach. Another lovely chapter thank you
shalna66 chapter 5 . 9/12/2018
Very funny. Very funny. Quite the learning curve.
shalna66 chapter 4 . 9/12/2018
Awww. An adorable chapter. Another delightful story. Thank you
shalna66 chapter 3 . 9/12/2018
This is so funny. I think I will probably repeat that in every review. I apologise in advance.
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