Reviews for Colony War
bexxe chapter 50 . 11/2/2015
I didn't see Sybok's hand in all this. Nice move! Looking forward to part 2!
tanseynz chapter 50 . 11/2/2015
Sybok is involved? And a baddie. Oh dear! Betcha Kirk comes up with a cunning plan...or rather, he'd better if he wants Spock to be able to stay with the crew and be seen as one of the goodies.
Zanne13 chapter 48 . 10/29/2015
Oh my...
tanseynz chapter 49 . 10/29/2015
It's going to be really difficult for anyone to finger Spock as the bad guy now, and harder for Sarek to swoop him off without protest either.
Will check out AO3 and ksarchive asap as, imo, steamy is good ;-)
tanseynz chapter 48 . 10/28/2015
Typical Spock. Even as he can't help it as his senses react to Kirk's rather mild touches and kisses, he analyses and contemplates the longterm effects. An innate intellectual curiosity, I suspect. The full concentration is incredibly attractive in its own right.
I'm so glad you're continuing this story as it's fascinating and so much still unexpected.
tanseynz chapter 47 . 10/18/2015
Politics, huh! As Kirk said, Sarek just wants his over-protected son back, and Spock's wishes for his own life are irrelevant. But it's beginning to show that Spock isn't going to give in this time, and he has Kirk on his side.
Going to be very interesting once they get to Earth.
Zanne13 chapter 45 . 10/13/2015
Nice chapters. So much to resolve. So much still to find out...well written as always.
tanseynz chapter 46 . 10/15/2015
Not knowing someone as well as you assumed you did really bites, and when it's someone critical to you, that can hurt especially when it's a war and they have secrets...
tanseynz chapter 45 . 10/12/2015
One thing always constant in ST is the fact Spock and Sarek find it almost impossible to communicate how they really feel. There is always such a wall of obligation, failed expectations and distrust between them, even at the best of times.
In the end, as with many parent/adult child schisms, the only resolution comes when the child forges their own independent path and comes to see their parent/s as equals rather than as superiors.
tanseynz chapter 44 . 10/11/2015
Sad that those things have to be done, but it's a human ceremony, and often cathartic.
Riley is interesting given he's been fairly positive about Spock. It could be it's more of a worry what others might do if Spock has free range of the ship while Kirk is away, and Riley has doubts he could contain it.
Sooner or later there is sure to be an overt reaction.
tanseynz chapter 43 . 10/8/2015
I love how calm Amanda is on the surface. Only a dropped bead betrays her turmoil when the Sanchez is mentioned. But she sees Spock and then is probably sobbing and laughing inside with relief.
Still can't see where this is going.
The ant-tic-ipa...tion! I feel like Rocky Horror.
tanseynz chapter 42 . 10/5/2015
The scene with Spock and Ipswitch was wonderful. What Spock said to him was reassuring, and Ipswitch, who doesn't strike me as a fool, recognised that even if his cousin wasn't calmed at his death, Spock cared enough to try, and that was all he needed to forgive.
Gary's attitude was interesting - almost fatalistic.
I can't tell where you're taking this now but still very intrigued. Your style of writing certainly keeps the reader engrossed.
Zanne13 chapter 41 . 10/3/2015
Was going thru a little withdrawal I have to admit. I got so spoiled by the quick steady updates. I feel like the suspense is going to ratchet up again as we see who will and who won't accept Spock into the Ranger crew and how high up does this conspiracy go? Great writing as usual.. Thank you!
tanseynz chapter 41 . 10/2/2015
Hmmm networking, really. Still, good that Kirk's ingenuity has been recognised, especially as the insurgents are still active. Was it a good idea for Ipswitch to know there was a Vulcan on board, and more importantly, who told him?
Definitely several plots going on - as Spock would say, 'Fascinating.'
tanseynz chapter 40 . 9/30/2015
Why do I get the feeling the shit is about to hit the fan? There are a few who don't trust or like Spock, and if they should just happen to let slip his presence on board to Acting Captain Ipswitch, who can order the crew to do almost anything...while the cat's away...
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