Reviews for Never Neverland
headry chapter 2 . 7/18/2018
Really well done. Thanks for writing.
KisunaFuji chapter 1 . 9/12/2016
this is awsome. I love you Waterloo fics so much. but why is takeru so sad in this. did he Teller his parents that he is gay?
Specialgirl13 chapter 3 . 8/8/2016
I hope you find time to update this soon, it's amazing.
sanbika chapter 2 . 7/8/2015
I'm really enjoying these stories and your Waver plot. My only critique would be that Takeru gets a little bit weak in character in these stories and falls into some uke tropes. I love Takeru but I think he's stronger than stereotypes portray him.
Saint Raven chapter 2 . 6/30/2015
Dude, awesome! Not what I thought was going to be the reason but cool none the less. Another round, if you please!
Celaj15 chapter 2 . 6/28/2015
Awww :( I dislike sad Takeru. But at least there's Daisuke to hug him and to be there for him. Ahh my OTP! lol ok I'll show myself out.
Miss Anonymous hp chapter 2 . 6/27/2015
So very good! I feel really bad for TK, and I love the Davis/TK friendship that is being highlighted so well here. I know that there's definitely a LOT of Daikeru undertones here, which I greatly appreciate it, and I figure that maybe we don't get many if any Kenkeru undertones in the next chapter, but I am so incredibly moved by your writing. It's so rich with emotion; I just love it to pieces.

Keep up the great work! And I cannot wait to see more!
Saint Raven chapter 1 . 6/12/2015 have my interest, I really wanna know what happens next, and what's wrong with Takeru. More please!
Celaj15 chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
Oh wow, this was a story made from your other story Waver? Woo, that was almost 6 years ago! I wouldn't have thought about Ken and Dai being together if he didn't mention it. lol So I assume this is the story of how all three of them get together then? If so, I look forward to more. :D
Miss Anonymous hp chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
Eeee! I always wondered if you were going to write more for the Waver universe, and I log on today to see THIS! It's like Christmas has come early! Gah! The way you write Davis, TK, and Ken... I just... guh... I love it so much! Your characterization is just beautiful, and wonderful, and I could gush all day! And the fact that you chose THIS particular gem of a line to create an entire fic around-! And I don't see a "complete", so does this mean that this is going to be multi-chaptered? YES! Even better!

Okay, trying not to freak out here, but totally freaking out. I am so excited for more of your beautiful writing for the widely underappreciated Daikenkeru. Keep up the beautiful work (as if you could do anything less), and I cannot wait until the next update!