Reviews for Blind Date
LilyTimbers chapter 20 . 7/5
This was such a fantastic and satisfying read! Ranma x Akane is my original OTP from high school. I completely forgot about them until recently. It was such a treat to find such quality fanfics about them such as this one. I can see why people would see them as OOC, but I think your interpreted their characters into young adults really well, especially for an AU setting. even as a full-grown woman, I appreciated how you addressed the important topics of relationship-establishing conversations, STDs, etc. It made your story all the more realistic while also informative for younger readersThis was a brilliant story! My only regret is that I wish I had read it a bit slower, because now I’m all done! I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your works, as well as anything else you put out
Mividaerestu chapter 20 . 7/1
I really loved this story! Would love a sequel, it would
Be awesome! You are an amazing Fanfic writer. Thank you for another brilliant story
Rachel the Icelander chapter 1 . 11/1/2018
Legit love this story, I feel the characters have been nicely placed in today's world without making it a tween drama but adult and mature. The romance is realistic and intriguing, the story is good at not letting you get too comfortable with how things are going and makes you want to throw your reading device in the wall, but only good stories manage that hahaha. The highs are amazing too and damn the sex thoooooooooo. Also I hate it when people write Akane as a weak or fragile or super shy girl, she's been very true to her self here, along with all the others tbh. In the Manga and anime ranma not that much a player but with the amount of girls piling up to date him it makes sense and adds to his character, plus in this day and age with dating apps and Instagram ofc he would. Love this story love this author. And to the authorlove ya babs ur a fave, ty for existing and yes I high key went to your other account at one of the other fanfiction sites ur on, I ain't missing out on lemons no mamps I got ur message but it won't show up in the app 3
Rachel the Icelander chapter 17 . 10/31/2018
girl people will legit post hardcore bdsm on here, what?
who told u this was too dirty?
Rachel the Icelander chapter 8 . 10/31/2018
im lovin it boo yaaasssss
AtomicAdri chapter 20 . 6/30/2018
This story was really sweet and well written. They were obviously slightly OOC since it’s an AU and they were older/more mature, but I absolutely loved it! Ukyo and Ryoga were so cute too! And I loved that Ranko was an actual person. I wish we could get like a epilogue to catch a glimpse of either their wedding or life after marriage or whatever! Lol. But this story was great! Thank you for posting it!
TakaharaShiori chapter 20 . 6/12/2018
Amazing! Superb! Fantastic fic. I really don't have any words to describe such an awesome story. The plot, the setting and even the characters(despite of the fact that they were OOC) amazed me to no extent. The best Ranma1/2 fic I've ever read. Once again, loved the story. Keep up the good work and good luck for your future fics.
Love IshaXD
O'Donoghue chapter 20 . 5/28/2018
A beautiful story. The chapter 1 Ranma makes it a hard starter, but so worth it.
nancyricoleon chapter 20 . 5/28/2018
Me gusto mucho tu hustoria
Zagashi chapter 20 . 3/28/2018
I loved reading this fic, I think I read it before years ago, and now that I found it again I read it in one go. Ranko really plays well the rol of sister LOL, and I'm always in for some RyogaxUkyo. This last chapter was the best, as I think the same as you about the communicating problem between them.
Vernica chapter 20 . 9/6/2017
Because of school I haven't been able to read your last 3 updates, and I was so anxious to reed them! I've been loving your story since the very fisrt chapter. Now that I'm out of it, I ran to mi laptop to read them and find that one of my favorites stories is over! Is so sad but at the same time is sooo perfect. I loved those last chapters, how thet talk about their feelings and became a 'real couple', aaaand... It was a perfect finale, luv it! But you left me with an empty feeling and the need for more! :(
However, thank you for finishing this and for writing it and share it of course! I enjoyed every single chapter hope to read more from you.
Hugs from México
Gemini011 chapter 2 . 2/14/2017
So... the main issue I have so far is that this story seems like it would work fine without making it a Ranma fanfic. The characterizations all feel "inspired-by" the originals rather than being spot on, and the AU seems to eliminate all of the fantastical elements of the source setting.

That said, the thing I think I like best is that the story works well in spite of that. It's interesting and engaging, and while the characters don't quite read as their canon counterparts, they're all sufficiently compelling—combined with the premise—that I want to keep reading.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/10/2017
What a fun story! It had me hooked from the very first chapter. I'm glad it's actually complete as well I think you stayed true to the characters, and loved the pairings.

Thank you
Guest chapter 20 . 12/22/2016
Best mature R/A AU fic, EVER, hands down.
Bobbwa chapter 20 . 10/16/2016
Re read this, for the( like)the fifth time. I need good ranks and akane inspiration. Thank you so so much for being a wonderful writer and taking time out to create something for all of us to enjoy.
I'm so glad to be on this ship with you! lol can't wait for more, seriously.
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