Reviews for Heroes Are Stupid, Villains Are Attractive
Sakuar chapter 3 . 6/29/2018
So right it is sad.

What really bothers me is that there are so many fans that support CS! Can't they see how troubling that relationship is? Didn't the actors, the writers, everyone who was part of the show realized how sick it was? The kind of example they were showing? And the CSshipers didn't care about Hook being a murdered and raper? Really? They say Neal was an ass because he abandoned Emma, but Hook who tried to kill her was fine? Neal's regret was not enough, but Hook only needed a "Sorry" to be a hero after 300 years of beign a villain?

It's really worring, and I am worried that this kind of relationship was sold as the greatest true love story! And that people believe this is love! WTF!

Second chances are important and all, but so is JUSTICE, and that's a word that never appeared in this show, not after the first season.

Nealfire was my favourite character because he was a human. He was a good man who tried to do the best, made mistakes and was responsable enough to take charge of the consequences of them. None of the other characters, NONE!, did!
edmagi01 chapter 41 . 9/20/2016
I love how this is like an OUAT rant turned into a story. And it's great to find someone who agrees with everything that bothers me about the show, that a lot of CS shippers tend to overlook. Plus it has swanfire, so how could I not like it?
eleven19 chapter 31 . 1/19/2016
Gah...I get hives, reading references to a CS wedding. Excuse me whilst I drown myself in holy water.
eleven19 chapter 27 . 1/19/2016
I love that Henry is gay, it seems weirdly obvious now. And refreshing, as OUAt likes to cheat us of all our homosexual ships, so making [who should be] one of the stars of the show gay is awesome.
Swanfire copout kisses are actually better than the real thing, IMO :) One of the best things about Swanfire is they don't have to infect the room with PDA every chance they get, like certain other couples I could mention but choose not to *cough cough C$ cough cough*
eleven19 chapter 15 . 1/19/2016
Can I just say how much I appreciate the fact that Henry is acting out for Neal's benefit? They brushed off Henry losing his father in the show, acting so insultingly cavalier about it, like they were trying to write him out of existence...I MEAN, GODDAMN IT. I love Henry being this mouthy little shit around Emma, she so deserves it.
eleven19 chapter 9 . 1/19/2016
Syphilis and herpes...what a throughly perfect explanation that was.
eleven19 chapter 3 . 1/18/2016
("Son of a BANG! Son of a BOOM!"). Just every-fucking-thing. I know, I know, I'm fan-girling, but...that was epic.
eleven19 chapter 1 . 1/10/2016
Excuse me, but I'm going to fangirl over this for a while.

(An hour later)
Okay, I'm back. Thank you. Now I have to go hug my sister for showing me your profile because I finally found a decent fanfic writer.
queensnow chapter 40 . 6/28/2015
while I was reading I only could remember a fix I read a long time ago where Emma told Neal that they need to know about magica protection on the EF because they have proved to be really fertile xD so yeah they are!
sudoku chapter 41 . 6/29/2015
That's touching that Emma hunt down Neal's stuff which made the show more infuriating. It's also nice they get each other without weird mystery. Now that this story is finished, we need to find something else to occupy our mind rather than the clusterf**k of the show (I censored myself again there).
XxThe-Crest-Of-AnubisxX chapter 41 . 6/29/2015
So its finish?
Owh I want to see them get married or at least when Neal saw his baby for the first time after Emma through a curse-strangling cry to Neal...
Well I too had fun reading it :)

Hope to see more of your story
sudoku chapter 40 . 6/28/2015
Yuck for Snowing snail sex but it's expected of them. Yes, having another baby is so cliche but I think that's expected of this show. Yuck for CS babies.
At least Henry takes anything in stride just like his father I guess.
XxThe-Crest-Of-AnubisxX chapter 40 . 6/28/2015
Can the baby be she?
And so gross, I really can't believe they try to have sex snail style
Just make sure they don't have anymore babies
They can rival the Weasley familys if its like this
XxThe-Crest-Of-AnubisxX chapter 39 . 6/27/2015
Food fight?
Really even I want to see Rumple being covered in food

But I really like SF moment and the family moments before the food began
Its where I think I like the most

Did Rumple get hit and turn into a snail?
Well at least luck is still on Neal side
sudoku chapter 39 . 6/27/2015
What did August do that was clever? Like Emma's interaction with Graham. So Rumple turned into a snail too, that's karma.
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