Reviews for When I See You Again
Guest chapter 1 . 2/27
great story
animemangaobsessed chapter 1 . 1/17/2018
Mrs. Pepperwood chapter 1 . 11/9/2017
Maybe you don't read feedback anymore - well, too bad.

First off - your summary gave me fucking goosebumps "...until one day, it all changes when he sees a name on a list of survivors. Two words. Two syllables. Ten letters. Beth Greene." Christ. I skipped over it the first time that I read it (every intention of coming back to it) because it wasn't exactly what I was looking for at that time, but then it took me ~days~ to search for it again. Stupid.

Initially I thought 'there's no way someone can do this realistically/right - Beth didn't wait for Daryl, she may have ~loved~ him but... she was 18... she didn't wait.' Well - imagine my surprised when I fell hook line and sinker for the way you built the world and described their thoughts, feelings, and over all emotions. Shit.

The description of the place that Beth lived in had me tingling with the thought that she had implemented it, in the same place that Daryl would have if it had been up to him, before you even brought Daryl into the equation - great writing, not obvious, just a beautiful throw back to their time together that ended up being everything.

“I guess I just didn’t realize how it would make me feel.” Nailed it. This simple simple statement made me feel like it was real. Like she had thought about this moment over and over and when it happened… was not prepared, didn’t even really ~know~ how to feel about it.

“I mean at first, I just couldn’t. Couldn’t talk about you, couldn’t even really think about you.” Fucking heartbreaking and just - perfection. I think this is still currently what’s going on with Daryl.

I love that there's not a condom in sight - you understand what 12 years in looks like. Very refreshing.

It’s just such a nice ending (even though it’s a beginning) to their story, I don’t need more than this. This was asked for. This was deserved. Nice job on the outrageous word count - I love that it was a one shot.

Azue chapter 1 . 9/26/2017
So lovely. Thank you.
Khyharah chapter 1 . 2/11/2017
this was absolutely wonderful. I think I cried half a dozen times, especially when he saw her and when she reunited with everyone else. just plain fabulous. I LOVE all the headcannon u have here. it's logical and practical and I can see it working. and while I love ficus where Daryl is a sexual beast (though not a whore, just one person lol) I like ur Daryl cuz it makes their love that much sweeter and perfect. a wonderful "fix-it" for a future I so want them to have. just plain love it
greeneballoon chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
i like it
ElektraLane chapter 1 . 5/6/2016
I really enjoyed this. Your style is nice. I love how the 'family' all went with Beth and Daryl. Well done.
AnimeRoxx chapter 1 . 4/5/2016
This was beautiful! Written so well and had such a happy ending! I'm glad I decided to read it! Great job :)
Twilight's Enchantress chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
I adored this story... Don't we all just luv this couple!
Doe Q chapter 1 . 11/27/2015
Oh, what a gorgeous story. This is all that a Bethyl reunion should be. And writing it to take place ten painful years after gives it a significant and meaningful seasoning too. It makes it all the more beautifully hard-won for B & D and therefore so poetic. I just love these characters so effing much. Thank you for writing this wonderful fic about these two angels.
seren chapter 1 . 11/8/2015
This was incredible! Wonderful from start to finish!
Aria DeLoncray chapter 1 . 10/30/2015
Great story!
Moonwind1818 chapter 1 . 10/20/2015
Loved it! Very believable!
Jonziegirl73 chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
This was an amazingly beautiful story. You are such a wonderfully talented writer. I am so happy that I found fanfiction and your stories. I think I have read all of your stories and all I can say is that I have not found one that I can say that I don't like. So thank you for your awesome stories. I look forward to seeing updates. Thank you and much love!
Fireheart1992 chapter 1 . 8/25/2015
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