Reviews for A Stricken Lament
Inconclusive chapter 35 . 6/18
Nice chapter! And I agree completely - I didn’t read malice or phobia in JKRs essay. It read like someone who cared and was trying to make sure everyone’s rights were supported. Looking forward to the next update!
Maiden of the Heavens chapter 35 . 6/17
I loved this chapter, how many more are you planning on posting?
GingerWitchWriter chapter 35 . 6/17
Hyperactive Harry seems kind of fun! Lol! And I love how, with everything they are dealing with, Harry and Ron speak to one another - it's just...them and it's normal and I love that.
Great chapter and I look forward to more...hoping something can be done to get Harry home soon. Thanks for posting.
evenstarlily chapter 35 . 6/16
An amazing chapter as always! Thank you!
And I can't thank you enough for telling people to think rationally and realise that jkr wasn't being transphobic at all.. she says she'd fight for their rights and people are up in arms about it. I'm a live and let live person myself.
The world is a crazy place now...and although I adore the hp books, I've never been an ardent fan of jkr...a fan but not an extreme one that i check her personal profile etc etc. But it's shocking how people including the hp movie actors are bashing her. Glad I never watched past goblet of fire, (clips of some other parts.. bleh ), and i only ever liked the first 2.
HeRonLove chapter 35 . 6/14
That was a marvelous chapter. I love that Ron is still visiting all the survivors. Harry has finally seen all his friends and the visits went great.
displayheartcode chapter 35 . 6/14
This is such a Weasley thing for Ron to more or less adopt Tabby. Molly is going to be so proud when she knits yet another Christmas jumper. Maybe also one for Jacob because he's supposed to be the [checks notes] mentally aware one. Poor guy, I wouldn't wish that job on anyone in this fic.

Harry does have something of a point about being immortal. We should test it in a non-fatal way. Somehow. It might be more traumatic but it's for science! I would like to think Voldemort is turning over in his worm-filled grave about Harry being accidentally immortal. This is good revenge.

Hey, on a scale of sleep-deprived college student to a regular at Burning Man, just how drugged is Harry?

And oh no they broke the news about Susan and then unleashed the horde of friends on him. Fly, Harry, fly away!
morgana's mooncalf chapter 35 . 6/14
I've been really enjoying this fic! It's such an interesting and detailed story. You develop the characters really well, so that they really feel like more mature/adult versions of their book selves. The intrigue and suspense at times is really gripping and tense! There are so many interesting possibilities that can come from this concept, and I'm looking forward to see where you'll take it next! :)

As for the JK Rowling controversy, I agree with many of your points (as a cis queer girl). I think that the main thing, for me, which was odd about the essay was her use of language associated with transphobic ideals ('gender critical', for example). It does not make her transphobic in and of itself, but could point to transphobic attitudes. Also, some of the points she made were odd, like the point about "trans activists" trying to erode the concept of sex and replace it with gender, which was very misinformed. But yeah, I wouldn't call her a transphobe from the essay alone, I think it's more the cumulation of comments/etc she's made over time, and especially her support for Maya Forstater, that makes her a possible transphobe. It's also just unfortunate that she stated that Dumbledore was gay but then didn't do much to implement that into any of her future works (there was a tiny implied reference in the Crimes of Grindlewald I think, but nothing concrete).
iris129 chapter 35 . 6/14
A chapter fully in Ron's POV? A treat. It's great to see that Harry's doing better. Poor boy needs a break. Also! All the meetings with his friends are hilarious.
Godricshelm chapter 35 . 6/14
First of all, let me say that I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of JK Rowling. I too looked at her Twitter comments and statements after the headlines started proclaiming her an “enemy” of transgender people, and I personally found not even an ounce of transphobia in her words. Rather, as you pointed out, it was about her highlighting how woman, trans or not, still face staggering inequality in so many aspects of life. Cancel culture is toxic and just proves that so many people are eager to judge first to showcase their sense of righteousness without even bothering to examine the facts first. So thank you for sharing your take on this!

As for the chapter, brilliant as always! Ron was in top form and so hilarious. Harry seeming to make light of his experience does have me a little worried and wishing he’ll eventually find some professional to talk to (so long as he doesn’t scare them away or convert them to his cult, lol). Looking forward to the next chapter!
freddiest chapter 35 . 6/14
Great chapter as always. This is really the only fanfiction I'm actually reading nowadays, and I always look forward to seeing it continue. \\\

Rowling's stuff on Twitter lately (2020) is questionable at best, though, and that article on her website is just relativising it. We can't just pretend that Rowling is perfect and call any criticism leveled against her as 'witch hunts' and 'cancel culture'. Can you honest-to-God read the tweets that she's posted and not see anything iffy about them that at least deserves some criticism?
Mists chapter 35 . 6/13
Wonderful chapter. I especially loved that Seamus, Dean and Neville got the phoenix and that all Harry's quidditch friends' minds automatically went to thinking the same exact thing. Also Ron with Jacob and retelling the acromantula story. And he's like, what? We survived so this is totally relatable and funny! Loved the Susan reveal to Harry, too. The fight about flying. The whole chapter is just gold. Glad you're doing okay in Seattle still. Hope you can get out a little now. As for Rowling and her comments, I agree with you. I feel a lot of people are over reacting to what she said. Honestly, Twitter and Facebook are far too toxic for me. Never even had a twitter and haven't been on facebook for years. Too many times, people forget there's another person on the other end of that screen! And people say things they didn't really mean, or do mean and only say online to be trolls or spiteful, while others are simply taken out of context, or blown out of proportion, and others make snap judgements without researching to uncover the whole story from legit sources, or just make up stuff and if enough people reblog or tweet it "must be" true, and then people "attack" each other back in retaliation for said slight. Sometimes it's meant to validate a belief or for something as silly as shipping. But ugh, whatever happened to actually debating someone and hearing both sides then drawing your own opinion. And sometimes that opinion is, "well let's just agree to disagree on that" and move on! Cancel culture takes away the exchange of ideas and polarizes people far too much. You stay in your own idealistic bubble too long, you begin to lose empathy for others who don't think the same way you do, and thereby begin to lose your own humanity. And trying to bully someone into thinking the same way you do isn't right either. People have their own reasons for the way they think and act. Respect that, and lead by your own actions in the way you feel people should act and be treated. Because if you forcefully try to change someone's mind, you are only proving to them that their thinking is correct and that they are the ones justified in doing so. And they will simply double down on those beliefs. Anyway, those are my thoughts. Wonderful chapter once again. Thanks so much for taking the time to write such an amazing story. And as always looking forward to more.
TroyWeb chapter 35 . 6/13
"Spiders are devil spawn. It's even worse when they wanna eat you. "

You tell 'em Ron. Bloody hell!
kittikatlova chapter 35 . 6/13
Amazing as always, ive missed you! so happy to have seen this update. the scene with Seamus Dean and Neville absolutely cracked me up lol. i think the way you portray his ongoing battle with sanity as very reality based. sometimes its like that, you have your good days and you have your bad days. and sometimes its just too hard to talk about. so i like that those scenes just make so much sense. ive not cancelled you and never would. Ive mostly stayed away from the ongoing Rowling battle, mostly because despite if she did or did not do something insensitive, i could never just give up Harry Potter, something so tangible and meaningful from my childhood. so youre safe with me! please please update again soon!
KWrite chapter 35 . 6/13
Another great chapter, but really that isn’t a surprise anymore. The whole scene of Harry visiting with Dean, Seamus, and Neville was beyond hilarious, especially the boys’ reaction to Harry’s and Ron’s ongoing argument about Harry wanting to fly. I cannot wait to see what happens next.

I also want to thank you for your comments about JK Rowling. Without going into my own thoughts about what she’s said, I just want to say that I’m grateful that you’re going to continue writing this story (because I’m definitely going to continue reading) and I completely agree with you that this cancel culture is incredibly toxic.
Hinny FTW chapter 35 . 6/13
Messias Harry, didn't even take him 3 days. Your writing is perfect. Thank you. It's the perfect balance between hilarious and heartbreaking. Neville knowing some stuff about being around insane people, Harry getting used to his inner Phoenix, hyper Harry, Susan's death, Royalty Weasley, the spider army, the basilisk girl, the DA bombarding Ron, Harry the Quidditch Phoenix...

Thank you for updating again! I hope Hermione realizes soon that disfiguring humans is a crime as well and since they now aren't human anymore, that is enough to send Lestrange to jail. Might not be long enough, but it is something.

Also thank you for sharing your views on JKR's stance. I'm not active on social media, so I honestly missed it. Will look for her paper.
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