Reviews for Life Of Lies
3782dasda chapter 11 . 3/5/2017
This fanfic just made my day complete, can't wait for more :D
Radiant Arabian Nights chapter 11 . 2/17/2017
Please do a sequel
Inactive Account122947281 chapter 11 . 7/12/2016
This was one of the best fanfic I've ever read
EnchantedRealmsFiction chapter 11 . 3/3/2016
Why didn't he give Nat a bracelet as well? She touched the sceptre.
Lokiismylife chapter 11 . 2/26/2016
Absolutely beautiful.
ShellPaul chapter 11 . 10/8/2015
I have only just found this story - but I cried so much and couldn't go to sleep until I had read it all until my husband pleaded with me to go to bed at 2am

You are such a gifted writer that I wish you could show this to the writers of the series - you'd be great!

I really felt everything worked out properly and I genuinely cared for Loki.

I hope to read more of your work

xx Thanks xx
pallyndrome chapter 11 . 9/25/2015
I loooove this story so much! The description didn't do it justice - I only read it cause another author liked it. I am amazed! The heartfelt sweetness and sincere emotions are wonderful - nothing like bad sappy. You've done so well with this - you even have a version of loki's side of things that I haven't read before and I've read all lot! Well done :)
Silvermane1 chapter 11 . 8/28/2015
Will Loki make a bond with his biological family
thephoenixandthedragon4ever chapter 11 . 8/28/2015
Another amazing chapter and I'm glad Loki was able to atone and thank those he hurt on Midgard but would you please seriously consider writing an epilogue where Loki and Odin talk. Loki could discuss with him all that he had learned and they could start process to being a loving family again
fastreader12 chapter 10 . 8/12/2015
Are you going to go into Age of Ultron, etc.? I'm curious.
Great story! I really like it! :) Please update when you are able to! :D
Silvermane1 chapter 10 . 8/12/2015
thephoenixandthedragon4ever chapter 10 . 8/12/2015
Nice tie up and ending.
thephoenixandthedragon4ever chapter 9 . 8/8/2015
I am so glad your muse returned and that you wrote this chapter. I know Odin and Loki are all the way back but I love how far they have come. Glad Asta is now talking and that Loki is doing so well. Excited to read the next chapter but sad that the story is ending. I really have enjoyed your positive spin on Loki and Odin.
Silvermane1 chapter 9 . 8/8/2015
Nikki Pond chapter 7 . 7/18/2015
I am sick of Odin. No offence dude, but you are not a very good father. Though at least he has flaws.

And that is actually a good story and a justified story of Loki. I mean, I heard other stories of Loki's reasonings and his actions are not really bad and has good reasons, but yours really is much more reasonable...except when Loki look like he's about to stab Thor at the back in the end of "Thor". But still, very great! ;)

First time reading Agents of SHIELD and Thor crossover.
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