Reviews for A Vampire's Mate
Aime Dimo chapter 23 . 8/21
Next Chapter Please
Guest chapter 23 . 4/8
Next chapter please
jackyfloresq2001 chapter 23 . 5/16/2019
can't wait for the next chapter in this story
Guest chapter 23 . 2/21/2019
Please make more
Mayura24 chapter 3 . 1/31/2019
NyanMew123 chapter 23 . 9/13/2018
Plz update
niaj itsirhs chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
want to read more of this and fast
EnyeaDee chapter 22 . 6/20/2018
This is my first time reading your story...and i read it from chapter 1-22 in like 2 hours straight...AND ITS SO AWESOME! I Hope you update the next chapter soon!
apitatoor chapter 22 . 6/9/2018
Hello again!
Sorry, for the late reply! I actually fell from a flght of stairs and sprained my arm which is why I couldn't reply to you.
Thank you for updating! Also, for the PM! I really enjoy talking/ writing to you!
It is always interesting to read from an older character's POV such a Makarov, Silver or Igneel. To know what they thought or feels makes the story even more in depth.
Jellal being angry is obvious as he thinks of Meredy as a little sister and cares for her.
It feels interesting in the way that Silver said about not hurting their mates, does that mean that a wolf did hurt his their mate in the past and something awful happened?
I loved the Wendy checking mates scene! I mean how could she not have know it was pretty clear and also how Silver reacted! Priceless!
Also, Natsu not fighting with anyone except Gray, I was like no, just give him more time and he will start fighting with someone and that is what happened.
OK, I was just suggesting about Wendy's plot but I am glad, cause I do like werewolves and I think this bad blood between them should end and I think having one of them be a werewolf's mate would open their eyes more.
Mostly everyone has their mates, except Jellal, but with Jellal he is in denial and I first thought Erza would be a wolf but being a witch is even better(but what about a half-breed? Half witch and wolf? I feel that Jellal will have a harder time and it might bring them together even more, I am just saying.) Also, Wendy, I was not sureif Romeo was going to be her mate, so I didn't mentioned it but I am glad and I am so ready for your plot twist!
Are there problems if Jellal sleeps with someone else besides their mate? (Even though Erza is his mate) before doing it with his mate? Or is this more on trust and belief issues?
Then there is the problem with Juvia's throne being taken away, I wonder how will that go.
The information that Juvia gave blew my mind away! I was like, what?! Jellal made the witches go almost extinct?! That is really something!
I wonder how will Jellal feel when he comes to know about the tower of heaven incident.
So it was Jellal and Ultear, who wiped the witches out and knowing that she is a good person now but there is a war coming again! This is going to get messy isn't it?
Really can't wait for the next chapter! I know it will be so good!
The reason why I love this story is because it still makes me enjoy it and I can understand from your view on how it may not be perfect and honestly, there are spelling errors but its not so much that it is preventing me from reading or enjoying the story.
In all, I still enjoy reading the story and that is what is important to me.
Also, rossyla, you are writer who has grown ever since you wrote that 1st chapter of this story and it is expected that your style of wrting has improved and you have learned in many ways which is why you think you could have written it better.
We are our most hardest critics ever and let me tell you, your writing has really improved and it will get better in the future as well! So stay positive and strong!
London is a great place to live and I know you will publish your story and people will like it!
So take care and until next time,bye!
Aisha chapter 22 . 6/8/2018
when isthe next chapter coming?
apitatoor chapter 21 . 5/5/2018
Hello again!
This chapter had so much Lyredy and I loved it!
Can I also say that, I have just realized that Lyon is a total werewolf possessive sadist mate? Like he loved to look at her shudder and said oops?! Like WTH!
Meredy took charge of the situation and made her own decision and not letting others decide for her even though she had to be with him, for that hats off to her!
Also,what was Lyon thinking, when he handcuffed her and him together?! I was thinking like Lyon, dude she won't run away, so untie her!
Also, he again handcuffed her to the bed?! Boi! She is not an idiot! She won't run away, trust her at least!
But keeping the possessiveness aside, he does know how she feels and knows what he is doing is not good at all.
OK, so Meredy knows that she can't run or leave him and I give her so much respect in being equal and putting her foot down on certain things like him promising something he might not be able to keep as what she said it true, if you cheat once, then you can cheat again.
So, I liked how she made him promise something that she wanted and I know Lyon won't ever break that promise ever again because I think Meredy will otherwise leave him forever or just kick his ass and find someone else.
The lemon scenes her great and I liked how it ended, them confessing their love for each other.
In all, great chapter! I am now stoked for the next chapter, I really want for Jerza scenes because they are the only ones left who are not mated yet except Wendy because she is still young.
I actually thought of another thing, what if Wendy's mate turned out to be a werewolf? I mean, that would be pretty fun for her and for her brothers because I know they are going to be so super protective of her!
In all, rossyla you are doing fabulous and take your time and do things at your own pace.
Also, I am so glad that you are publishing a novel! Congrats! Can you tell me a little on whats its about?Please?
But I hope you are having a great time and always be smiling!
Until next time,bye!
apitatoor chapter 20 . 5/5/2018
Hello again! Long time no see?!
I had just re-read the whole story and I still love it and I found more things to like about the story since the first time I read it!
Its been almost 2 years since the last time I posted, I am so sorry for not replying on time! College took over my life and I moved to a different country, I now live in Canada and before I was living in India. So that was a big change and I have been studying and working for the past 2 years.
I really can't believe so much time has passed by but your story is just has great and I loved it!
I hope you are doing well, and you are happy! I am so glad that you have updated as well.
Now on to the chapter!
Jellal's POV is always the best because I want to know what he is thinking (beside thinking about Erza)most of the time and in this chapter, when they are looking for Juvia its nice to see him as the leader and big brother to everyone.
I adore Lyredy so much!
I think this craze of shiping them together so much started from the manga in that certain chapter where Lyon says or thinks that Meredy is cute!
So, I liked how Jellal was worried about her and so much concerned that she was Lyon's mate and worried that she might be on the enemies side.
Meredy is a strong character and how she handled herself in this chapter tells that Lyon and her love each other very much but due to jealousy(on Lyon's side) and cheating(which I totally do not approve, even though it was a mistake because he thought it was his mate) and lack of communication (which is very important in every relationship!)caused them to be separated and what I get is that due to them being not together, Meredy's mate's smell became very faint and thats why no one noticed.
I really liked the scene towards the end where Natsu's foolish but adorable antics started and how Jellal became Erza in that moment! I loved it!
Also, I just realized that Lyon did all this just to get his mate back, because I don't think he is a bad guy but just missed his mate and wanted her to come back and I think he wanted her to come to him on her own will and choice which is why I think he made this bargain/trade with them.
Very smart Lyon.
But overall, a great cliffhanger to leave this chapter on and I am so glad that I have the next chapter!
So take care rossyla and be happy!
Until next time,bye!
Guest chapter 21 . 5/5/2018
Where ever happened to Rowen
glodenglowingsnowdemon chapter 21 . 4/28/2018
please complete it . i love this story soooooo much.
Blue-Azul-Acero chapter 21 . 4/25/2018
oki I was not expecting something like that I just found your story and until now I finished reading it I did not want to leave reviews in the other chapters only in the last one, I must say that I am delighted each pair has theirs and you write very well I hope you come back to update that the time has passed since the last time, I hope it does not bother you but I will add it to my friends hoping that you make the story worthwhile and I liked what I read will be waiting for a new update
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