Reviews for Gangs of London
Mm fan chapter 1 . 8/6
I did not know what to expect with this story - but it was truly superb!
Izzaj chapter 1 . 5/12
Wow. I have to admit that it was nice reading about Matthew putting Mary in her place and also hating her from the start. It's kind of refreshing.
ClaireR89 chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
Holy whiplash. Mary is suddenly head over heels for Matthew?
Palindrome310 chapter 45 . 2/11/2019
In a rereading fanfiction phase. "Gangs of London" is still my favorite of your works (so far). It really has it all and I love this version of Matthew and Mary so much!
Guest chapter 40 . 1/2/2018
Haha...sorry, just find it funny you keep clarifying it’s a MALE stripclub and there are MALE strippers. Pretty sure you could have saved the keystrokes.
Guest chapter 45 . 3/16/2017
Wow , just finished the story and it is incredible , I always enjoy reading your story , so many plot twist and the relationship of MM is so wonderful. The 1920 theme for Citibank party is also quite funny when I started to read , I was picturing Mary wear that blue/gree x gold dress which is one of my favorite dress from the Mary's wardrobe and it is interesting that you also pictured that dress for Mary .

Will you consider to write sequel ? You left some interesting plots for the ending . How Charles still investigating the Crawley and I always think somehow he will fall for Mary , and for Lavina it is likely she will attract to Matthew and tries to seduce him , and for that stripper , is he trying to blackmail Mary and what about the videos and photos and I hope Mary didn't lie about what happened in that private room.

It's also funny to read when you mentioned Macau which is my hometown and mention wynn tried to offer a job to Matthew and I used to work in Wynn and once again thank you for the amazing story.
Vivss chapter 39 . 10/23/2016
I wish Matthew had had a stag party too. It is only fair. Not to mention it would be fun to see him very drunk!
Vivss chapter 36 . 10/22/2016
I generally don't like Robert in this story but I fully agreed with him about Matthew. I do hope he stops living his life only for her.
Anyway, the proposal was lovely and I do think they belong together.
Vivss chapter 31 . 10/21/2016
Finally the MI5 mystery was resolved! I've never really thought they were after Carlisle.
Though they were all in a serious situation I couldn't help being amused with them trying to distract Robert, Cora and Violet.
Vivss chapter 29 . 10/21/2016
It was great seeing Matthew confroting Robert, and showing him he is not a puppet. I am glad Mary was supportive of him, and she is right that he has to live his own life. So I hope he goes to work in his own business in the future.
Vivss chapter 25 . 10/21/2016
I like how you write Matthew having a sort of sibling relationship with Sybil and Rose. Their interactions are always fun.
Vivss chapter 20 . 10/20/2016
It was fun to see Matthew watching the football game! Too bad he supports a weak team haha. But I can relate to the feeling.
Vivss chapter 13 . 10/9/2016
I like that Matthew hasn't forgiven Mary easily.

It was great to see Rose working for Matthew. I always thought they had potential to be good friends in the single episode of DA that they appear together. Too bad that that could never be developed more with Matthew's death.
Vivss chapter 1 . 10/7/2016
I love how mean Mary can be to Matthew and how he can get back at her!
Aurowanfinn chapter 45 . 6/4/2016
Please write a sequel or epilogue. I want to find out what happens with Erik, Charles, and Lavinia.
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