Reviews for Sly Barrier
Naughtyfaery chapter 1 . 10/13/2003
That was so perfect!I loved it.
Raniatlw chapter 1 . 6/28/2003
That was a great little story! I really loved the idea. Don't know why you got so little reviews. You definitely deserved more!
RagDoll chapter 1 . 12/16/2002
That was absolutely beautiful. It took my breath away. Oh, please oh please oh please! Write more RoLa! Please! I'm begging you. Fics this beautiful, angst or not, together or not, are what I need. I want to make a RoLa site,'s challenging. Though that is what I live for. This story was so vivid I could see and feel the characters. Nothing was OOC and the meanings and metaphors and all those other literary terms I shouldn't have forgotten really struck me hard. I almost cried out of sadness and joy! Do you really know just how beautiful this was? Words can not express such a thing. And do you even have an idea of just how long it takes to find a worthy RoLa fic like this? (Of course, being a recent fic helped. :]) Oh please oh please oh please I'm on my hands and knees here! Write more RoLa! Please! We need to shift bandwagons! (And you're right about the whole Lancitty thing. Disguisting.)

-[insert name here]-
LadyTrunks chapter 1 . 12/16/2002
That was tragic! Sad... but I loved it.