Reviews for A Sophisticated Seduction - Swan Queen
greykitan chapter 29 . 5/21
I've read a lot of lesbain fanfiction stories. In fact, it's bothering on addiction. I live in a country where being a lesbian is illegal and immoral. I could end up spending over a decade in prison if caught just because I am a lesbian. Reading these stories is a way for me to live vicariously. I'm not one to do stuff like this but if you're out there and you're reading this and this stirs something inside you, please reach out to me through a PM. I'd love to get to know you and see where our story goes. Although I was supposed to go the states this year, I had to postpone it due to the pandemic. I would like to say I'm looking for a woman currently in the states but that wouldn't be accurate. I'm looking for a woman who is ready to put herself out there like I am. I assure you I come with my fair share of baggage and I do not need you to be perfect. Just be real. Distance may be against us but then it may not but we'll never know if we don't try. I apologize to the author for using this platform to reach out. I just felt compelled. Have a nice day
Quietone1993 chapter 30 . 2/20
Wow..! This story brought forth so many emotions for me. Parts were so intense it was like I could feel both of your guys pain. It was one of the few times I almost stopped reading a story from feeling too much especially during the last 10 chapters and that's saying a lot for me because I'm a big fan of angst in stories. I know this was some years ago now that this happened so you've probably more than moved on but I'm still sorry that things didn't work out for you two. It seemed like a beautiful thing that you both shared. Anyways this was a truly wonderful story and I don't know if you'd consider writing any more for it at this point but I would love to read a wedding/epilogue chapter. With them getting married maybe moving to the place Henry left for Regina and them having a kid. If not this was either way a beautiful story and I thank you for opening up your wounds and sharing your pain because it turned into a hell of a story!
Swanqueen27 chapter 30 . 2/18
I want moreeee! Honestly one of my favourite pieces I've ever read!
Swanqueen27 chapter 10 . 2/16
No words... I'm just in love with this story and your writing.. wow
Hlne11 chapter 30 . 12/16/2019
Hello, thank you for this amazing story. I'm really sad you didn't have the same ending in real life. Hope your are in peace now and you had find another love!
JustSandz chapter 29 . 11/20/2019
WB79 chapter 30 . 10/30/2019
So I've been binging this for the last couple days, and I absolutely loved it.
You have written this story so delicately, I could tell that it was so close to your heart.
Thank you for making your personal experience into such a beautiful story for us to read.
babykannible23 chapter 30 . 7/9/2019
If you ever do a weeding chapter, great. If you don’t do a wedding chapter, great. Either way this story has touched my soul. I want to hug you and your Regina. I’d also love her POV. I’m sorry this ending wasn’t real life for you. However even just a glimpse at a romance like that is a once in a lifetime miracle. I’ll always be searching for my Regina like this one. Being 25 myself I relate to you (Emma) in so many ways. I hope to find my sophisticated seduction one day.

All my love and good vibes to you. For now and always.
babykannible23 chapter 29 . 7/9/2019
I was told when I was younger thunderstorms were God and the angels bowling. When pins fell it thundered and lightening was a strike.
babykannible23 chapter 15 . 7/8/2019
The A/N for this chapter makes me want to hold you and her. Oh god. All my love to you. You beautiful creature... 3
babykannible23 chapter 1 . 7/8/2019
I need to red and black checkered title in my kitchen. After my heart. Lol.
JustSandz chapter 30 . 6/28/2019
Hi, is this actually finished as it isn’t marked as complete. Loved it by the way. Just wondering if there was more coming...
litleduckie chapter 30 . 1/20/2019
My hat off to you! I loved this story from start to finish! Every single word went into my heart! Beautiful! I would love to read bout their wedding!
litleduckie chapter 19 . 1/19/2019
This scene right here! Just full of feels! Loved it so much! Makes your heart feel all full!

I was urged to open my gift from mom and dad next, wrapped yellow in a flat, rectangular box. The excitement alone during the process was enough to drain me. So by the time the two, long sleeved, silk shirts, one red and the other green were taken out, I was at a loss for words. Honestly, witnessing the actual feel of the garments was something to behold. It was like holding onto something made from the clouds up above, something angelic and totally out of this world. The fabric was so cool to the touch, I rubbed it against my right cheek and inhaled deeply.
litleduckie chapter 18 . 1/19/2019
I love how you've made snow and David. A refreshing change! So far im loving this book! I got an abcess tooth and reading this has helped distract me from the pain! Tysm!
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