Reviews for Toy Soldier (come on home)
rebecca-in-blue chapter 1 . 3/1/2018
Wow, this is such a well-written, powerful take on this scene from Captain Crewe's point of view. I especially love the way you work in the noises of warfare - "thunder rolled like shell-blasts," "diving planes and whistling shells" - it's easy to imagine those sounds still filling his ears constantly, until Sara's cries break through. It's a very strong exploration of her father's war trauma, which I think was just touched on in the movie. Wonderful work.
GalitMirav chapter 1 . 6/11/2017
That scene had me sobbing the first time I saw it. You did a great job portraying Captain Crewe's perspective.
BooksAreMedicine chapter 1 . 11/6/2015
Awesome, great portrayal
RionaEire chapter 1 . 5/19/2015
I'm always seeking more Little Princess fanfic, the book is one of my favorites from childhood and this version of the movie, though quite different from the book, is good too, it has Ram Das in it and that's what matters to me, :) I love your intense imagery and urgency of concept, you convey the tension in the air and the harshness of war and its aftermath, even folks who don't end up with actual PTSD struggle for the first while to get reacclimated and process what they've experienced. Very well written! Thank you for writing it.
serpetinefire chapter 1 . 5/18/2015
I'm not familiar with the toy soldier but this was lovely and heart breaking at the same time. once again you have crafted something hauntingly beautiful.
Emma Kellog chapter 1 . 5/18/2015
This scene gets me every time I watch this movie. The Little Princess is a visual delight and an under appreciated gem of a film. I think you perfectly captured his inner monologue with regards to his awakening. It's already an emotional scene and this added a little extra punch. Thank you for posting.