Reviews for Nature Versus Nurture (Part II) Past Meets Present
FearlessLeader-Leonardo chapter 1 . 4/16/2016
Never fails to disappoint me XD
Nydiena chapter 7 . 2/15/2016
It is frustrating that the brother's simply do not open up to each other. That really is the problem. In trying to protect each other, they end up hurting each other. I love the introduction of April to the story. No turtle story is complete without her. The mention of our favorite, masked, hockey-stick-wielding vigilante makes me wonder if we shall meet him in the third story. Perhaps Raphael will run into him? My heart aches for how most the brothers are I trying to open up to each other. While they were making slow progress the circumstances were working against them. If it wasn't for the turf war, I'm sure things would have gone more smoothly. But nothing really goes all that smoothly for these boys, do they? Master Splinter is taking an interesting approach to parenting. I understand that he is not one to force his hand on sons who have not been under his care for so long. I feel sad for him. If only they would take his words on wisdom. It is sort of odd seeing how different Leo's relationship with Splinter is in this universe. Instead of confiding in him and seeking his approval, he is hiding things from him. This was a great sequel and I am eager to read the third part.
Natalie Ryan chapter 13 . 12/21/2015
This is just getting better and better. I didn't have much time to review the earlier chapters because I raced through them as to get to the third part of this story, I like to call it saga.
First of all I understand completely why Leo did what he did, although that resulted with his family going sideways.
Mikey does not understand why Leo did that and I can understand him really. He is hurt. He really thought that everything would be fine just like it was supposed to be in the start. But the past claimed its victims once more.
Don is a little stupid in the ebd for a smart turtle. He let his guard down and he let his brother discover the truth. Anyway wht did he need to help Mira after all? I mean you shouldn't rely on work when you are confused. It could help you, yes, but it could push you off the edge of doibg more harm than goid e.g. making mistaked.
Master Splinter is really hurt. His old heart has had enough for a lifetime, but he could have seen it coming from his stubborn teen sons.
And Raph is the one that understands Leo the best. He's been through hell and that's what hardened him so much. He is hardcore, no words, no emotions shown, just punches and kicking someone's butt (shell) to prevent the emotional streak to vent off him. He gets why Leo left. To protect them. And he would've done the same if he were Leo. I think that the two of them are like twins. Opposite, yet so similar. The two sides of the same book. One opens the book, the other closes it. In between there are Mikey, Donnie, Splinter and their friends.
About Mira, if I ever get my hands on her, let's say it would be a nasty fight. No one will leave uninjured, but she will take the thicker end of the stick.
I really liked the part about the tattoo. I can imagine him having that tattoo and the burden that comes with it. The only problem with Leo is that he is a turtle that feels guilty for everything. And he doesn't voice his worries. He needs a bear hug.
I really want to see the brothers together. They function better as a team, as a family. The strenghts if one are weaknesses to other. In sync they are unstoppable.
Virtual huggs and kissed to you and keep writing. Great story!
LilyTheNinjaGirl chapter 1 . 9/20/2015
For some reason I'm thinking it was Karai.
Guest chapter 13 . 8/22/2015
Ohhhhhhhhhh my god, I'm so excited
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2015
This is the best story ever! I wish the third was out now! I need to know what happened! I need to know now!
GuestGirl chapter 13 . 7/9/2015
This is a really good sequel. The only part of it I didn't like was that it ended on a cliffhanger! Well, I didn't like the creepy ex-GF very much either. I DID really like how you delved into everyone's characters as they're trying to figure out how to work together. Kudos!
Ava1213 chapter 13 . 7/7/2015
Oh my gosh! This is so awesome, I guess the third story will have the commander Mozar in it?anywys keep going I'm loving all this drama and suspense
Guest chapter 13 . 7/7/2015
Oh my goodness! I'm trying so hard not to tear up, I'm in public! This chapter was so heart wrenching, the story keeps getting better and better. Hope your plot bunny doesn't trouble you too much!
natalie1668 chapter 13 . 7/7/2015
Ahh I love this story so much! The part at the beginning with Raph and Mikey was great. I can't wait for the next part.
StarTraveler chapter 13 . 7/7/2015
Can't wait for that next part maybe you should buy a stun gun when you plot bunny gets real stubborn
TMNTTLK lover chapter 13 . 7/7/2015
Oh my so much drama. But that's what makes this such a great story. But geeze poor Mikey and Splinter. And I really wish Raph would have given Donnie a chance to explain but I get why he was so pissed. I would have been too. Also angry Mikey is kind of scary lol.
natalie1668 chapter 12 . 6/26/2015
Aww I love that little Mikey Leo moment. Can't wait to see what happens with Leo next!
TMNTTLK lover chapter 12 . 6/26/2015
Noo! Leo come back! You don't belong with them! Sadly though I saw this coming. But I have faith that he'll be back.
Sairey13 chapter 12 . 6/26/2015
If Mira shows up and hears about this, no doubt she's going to be a smart alec, stating that she knew it was bound to happen and that Don should've stayed with the Utroms than go back to his family that had a traitor in their midst.

And even though sacrifices will be made for the sake of the mission and the safety of others, no doubt Splinter's going to be sure that he'll teach Leonardo a painful lesson to never pull a stunt like that again, once they get him home...

I still thought Leo was going to fake his death, since Ch’rell seemed to like faking his own deaths before he finally got captured and the council exiled him to Mor Gal Tal, which would probably be one of the best things the Shredder could've trained Leo to do when to outsmart and fool the enemy.
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