Reviews for Past Differences
SnowingCrystals chapter 1 . 7/19
Miriam, that was Cassim's sister right? The girl who died, makes sense that Alibaba would name her that, kind of sweet, kind of sad. This looks really interesting, great work!
Ahmed Maged chapter 1 . 7/19/2019
nohatejustthis chapter 1 . 11/4/2018
sign of a bad fanfic
''your different then other girls''
''your not like other girls''

or in fanfic like magi

''your not like other humans''
''what a strange human''
Reina7077 chapter 2 . 10/25/2018
This fanfics amazing!
Reina7077 chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
Wait isn't there another story with Alibaba naming a girl miriam too?
Ignis76 chapter 6 . 10/21/2018
Welcome back and I'm looking forward to it :D
Mizuki Shiki chapter 5 . 3/12/2018
My my I loving this story! Please update more soon as you can!
Knight of Dark chapter 5 . 12/6/2017
Okay, assuming this is discontinued or whatever, I'm just gonna say a few things.
1) While this story does, truely, seem to have a plot set out, there's too much time and too many words spent on irrelevent information. Not enough character building, if you ask me. And you also spent a long time on building a backstory, which could be given in small memories each chapter, or in 1 whole chapter alone.
2) The story is... well, it takes a long time to upload. So maybe you changed accounts, maybe personal life is getting in the way, I get it. But the length and time it takes to upload, along with how short the chapters are even with the time spent, it seems like there isn't enough effort put into the story. There is much effort if you pay enough attention to the details, but barely anybody notices that, so you end up losing many readers as a result.
I can say more, but I don't want to come off as offensive or anything like that. It's just my opinion, and surely there are other readers that love your work very much. Even still, I hope you'll work on building upon your ideas; bring out more detail, variety, and try to breathe life into your story, making it a bit more realistic. You will do great things in the future.
AxZi chapter 3 . 11/1/2017
I think she's being waaaay to harsh on herself. Especially considering all the things she's saying is "manipulating" or "using" and what not... is kinda not?

Also, you don't exactly need to tell someone your lifestory or motives after knowing them for a short time. Heck, you can keep it to yourself for as long as you like, forever even! So her guilt and stuff about the lying? Again, just seems another facet of her self loathing. It's actually making me feel a lot of sympathy to her, that she hasn't been thought stuff like this is normal human behaviour.

Everyone would want shelter in such a situation and would latch on to a person who could possibly save them from death, and do what is necessary for that other to give them that. People also put on masks depending on what person they're talking to-or not mask, more like they push different pieces of themselves forwards while keeping other pieces back-like how you act on a casual night's out with friends compared to how you're at your job, to how you act around your parents to the face you put on when you're around strangers.

But you've really made me care about the main character and hope things go well for herself and she gains some self-confidence-thanks for that!

Onto the less positive bits. The Alibaba and bandits situation. I don't see why he'd care about her protecting herself/him from bandits even in a bloody manner like that. They're protecting themselves, and it's not like they have the power to take care of the bandits *without* using deadly force. I can imagine he might not feel happy with himself for killing them, or be worried about how killing them might affect her because whether or not it's necessary it's obviously still a disgusting thing to do, but Hopefully that'll change eventually too.

(btw... the "you killed the dangerous people! You could have died!" line made me lol out loud. Could have died? Remaining defenseless like a lamb being led to the slaughterhouse would've killed her! Killing them before they can get her just gets rid of the problem!)

Anyway, hope this review finds you in good health! :D

- The AxZi
KitKat Extremist chapter 2 . 3/3/2017
Please please please continue this. I really love it.
HuntressXHunter chapter 5 . 9/23/2016
Is Alibaba and Miriam going to be a couple?
HuntressXHunter chapter 3 . 9/23/2016
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
I love this. 'Mariam' is the type of person that just accepts how screwed she is. She is the type of person the just faces reality. Then you see Aladdin. He's the type of person who won't accepts that something's a lost cause.
FreedomandDisorder chapter 5 . 6/12/2016
I know it has been far too long since you updated. But could you please consider continuing this story.
I love how original your OC is. You have certainly succeeded in staying away from the Mary Sue condition. :)
Please continue the story.
Ginseng Tea chapter 5 . 1/31/2016
Second best magi fan fiction on here. I've been searching high and low for a fic as good as the enigma and this one is amazing
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