Reviews for Serpent Song
WonderLand27 chapter 8 . 4/6
I loved it
i-Spit-on-Fire chapter 8 . 6/5/2019
This is so beautiful and I love you for writing this
Morning Songbird chapter 1 . 4/28/2018
Forbidden love. Totally love it
usagi-no-usotsuki chapter 8 . 5/2/2017
Damn, that was a fucking interesting development! Well done! I guess we disregard the Infinity Clock Arc though for this story to work. Still like it anyway :)
yskn chapter 8 . 5/11/2016
I really needed this. It is amazing.
sinfulxdaises chapter 8 . 4/30/2016
THIS IS PERFECT. The best Cobkina fic ever. I hope this isn't last chapter though. I really really love how Cobra was so fixated on finding Cubelios, how dedicated he was, how the two met and Cobra actually told her his real name. How the both of them seemed like they were in some fantasy AU when they were together. How Kinana's co-workers were so worried about her but Laki still knew that Cobra was innocent by the way he acts. How Cobra was able to hear Kinana's voice, no matter where he was, and he located her despite the noise and chatter. How enchanted the couple were by each other. How perfect their moments were together. HOW FLUFFY THIS FIC IS. I love every bit and piece of this delicious fic. So irresistible. Your style of writing just leaves me at the edge, craving for more yet only satisfied with minute portions. So sophisticated with hues of homour. I just love this too much, i did say. The only ship in this story was Cobkina but it was already so satisfying. I kinda wonder how overwhelming it did be if you included hints of Jerza into this fic. I think i may faint from the sight of it. The characters were described absolutely perfectly and how they just easily sneek into parts of the story is just perfect. Especially the part about the part between the witch and Kinana's mom. I just wonder what a genius mind you have to mix everyone and every idea to give such a beautiful workpiece. The story is just so smooth and fluent. And the plot twist when Kinana was kidnapped, I would have never had expected that. Ah and how desperate Cobra was to find Kinana before something actually happened to her. Even at critical times, you add in humour. "Stop biting my head off, will you?" or words similar to that meaning. Hahaha. The Cobkina moment I will remember forever, engraved into my heart and mind. The light-hearted moments like when the couple dropped into freezing water. HAHAHA. So cute. Adorable. I better cut this short, even though I don't actually know how long this is. KEEP WRITING DO WHAT YOU LOVE WHAT YOU HEART WANTS STAY INSPIRED And darling don't let anything or anyone bring you down. You're perfect, just like your stories!
madcat27 chapter 8 . 4/9/2016
can you pretty pretty PRETTY please keep going with the story?
Huinari chapter 8 . 11/12/2015
This story is so beautifully written and absolutely amazing (I really wish it would be canon).
LunarGelfling45 chapter 8 . 8/7/2015
I'm really sorry, I only just read it now. The spoiler tip kinda threw me off from not reading it. But I find a way to catch up with the latest chapters so I read it all in 1 night. Damn! Some good stuff there! It seems to me tho that this story took place during the 1 year disbandment... From chapter 367, I understood it as that Oracion Seis was set released... But, fugitives fits this story well. I can't argue with that. But if I had known that it wasn't taking place THAT far into the series, I would have read it from day 1 (like all the talk about a disbandment was kept secret). lol! Good read tho. I really like this couple a lot, it scares me sometimes, there should b more stories about Kinana & Erik. Thank u! XD
TheTacticalFishMedic chapter 8 . 8/4/2015
This. Was. Amazing. Conana, as I've noticed, doesn't have many fanfics (thought it deserves more in my opinion) but this one was bufar the best one I've read. Beautiful
Ulcaasi chapter 8 . 7/28/2015
Aaahhh. Love thus story. I remember searching for a fic about them previously but never found anything good. Hmmmm they should seriously make this canon or something.
Tawny chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
Finally! One with these two, its either Lucy/Erik or Erik/Midnight now these two I can get behind! Aw very nice :) Kinana/Erik ftw!
Iguana chapter 8 . 7/23/2015
Yay! I loved the ending. I hope I see more of your writing soon!
The Blood Cloak chapter 8 . 7/23/2015
I have been following this story since day one and I absolutely love it! The ending was fantastic and well written and her transformation was the perfect way to bring all the pieces together. Well done!
basketinme chapter 8 . 7/23/2015
Aww...wish it's really him who taught Kinana magic in canon. Mashima really needs to make some time for them, don't care how short it'll get, I always appreciate all minor pairings in there anyway.

Thank you for the story! Your Bixanna is still on my top list and now that this has ended, I hope you'll consider to make some fic of them again, hehe. I just can't get enough!

Keep writing!
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