Reviews for Falling Hope, Rising Threat
RHatch89 chapter 37 . 6/3
Awesome update :)
bhut chapter 37 . 6/3
Well, that's the end of Cage, I suppose, and almost of this story arc. Yay! He so deserves to go down, you know? Thank you for the update, too!
bhut chapter 36 . 5/5
Well, this was dramatic. Also, Dr. Tsing really was unhinged, and is probably dead now. Good riddance, but, hey the Blakes are reunited. Yay.
RHatch89 chapter 36 . 5/5
Awesome update :)
RHatch89 chapter 35 . 4/18
Awesome update :)
bhut chapter 35 . 4/18
Well, this was a break in the action; some important issues got resolved, (sort of), and now, it seems we will be getting a fight in the next chapter - or at least a confrontation. Thanks for the update.
Bergerac chapter 34 . 4/6
This battle prouve how much the Maestro AKA the Hulk was more dangerous then The Abomination. This fight was finish far more faster then "A man like no other". During the reading of this story arc a see that you have planted seeds for another story… Who will be the villain ? Ultron, maybe ? Let me give you an idea for another villain for another story… Drum roll…. Kang the Conqueror…. I wonder how Katniss, Clark and this new team of Avengers would stand up to him. Thanks !
Whitehorse chapter 34 . 4/3
I just finish reading all the chapters in this story arc. You are quite an accomplish writer and you have a lot of imagination. Good for you because you have me standing at the edge of my seat waiting for the other shoe to drop. What will Octavia's brother inhuman power be ? I mean… He is an inhuman right ?
bhut chapter 34 . 3/28
Well, the Abomination is dead, (no loss here), people are beginning to turn towards the New Avengers in a good way, and the team is coming together for real now. Yay! Thank you for the update!
RHatch89 chapter 34 . 3/27
Awesome update :)
Bergerac chapter 33 . 11/30/2019
i have an idea for Bellamy's power… I've reread recently the Amalgam story line and i came across "the amazing Spider-Boy" a mix of Spider-Man and Superboy… That hero had GRAVITY POWER that permit him to walk on the wall (like Alex Power from Power Pack it also give him the illusion of super-strength) and he was arm with a web-gun. Think about it… Spider-Man would be back… Just a idea. Those stories that you write is a gold mine that give you a lot of liberty for your imagination. Keep up this excellent work. Thanks !
Bergerac chapter 31 . 11/18/2019
Are you mentioning Terrigenisis ? Will Bellamy and several others becomes Inhumans ?
Gerrycanada chapter 33 . 11/14/2019
I'm impress with your writing. Having the Avengers reborn in the world of the Hunger Games in a very good twist of a story telling. The Maestro, The Abomination… Who's next … Ultron ? And not to mention Clarke Griffin from "the 100" as the new Falcon… Wow ! What next Avengers will be reborn next ? I am at the edge of my chair reading and waiting for what next chapter. Excelsior !
RHatch89 chapter 33 . 8/9/2019
Awesome update :)
bhut chapter 33 . 8/9/2019
President Cage sucks, but it's nice to see that Clarke's friends are friendly to the new Avengers, (sort of). Thor rocks, but the Abomination is something else. I'm not sure just for how long Anya can fight him one on one, but hey, that's what friends are for. Thank you for the new chapter.
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