Reviews for Awake and Alive
Ben chapter 5 . 6/23/2019
waterwitchesandseashells chapter 3 . 2/19/2018
Plumalchemyst chapter 5 . 11/8/2016
Love it
Ma name is moe chapter 1 . 5/25/2016
Oh so you wrote this too, your my favorite author
MomotsukiNezumi chapter 5 . 2/21/2016
Amazing end! I like that Mike is doing his best to move on and try to make things work (gods know that would be SUPER difficult in that sort of situation -_-'), and Phone Guy is awesome! I love that you have all the Youtube gamers as extra nightguards-turned-Freddies, it's sad and yet hilarious. I'm bery happy you added in a Tiny Box Tim as well~
CoDFicCentral chapter 2 . 11/27/2015
I stopped reading (don't worry just to type this comment) after he yelled at Chica. I like the depth you put into this. I love the story!
SneakyDevil chapter 5 . 8/16/2015
Huh. This was actually good. Go figure.
Yuyake no Okami chapter 5 . 8/13/2015
I must admit I'm not into animatronic ships (no matter ifwith another animatronic or a human), but this was cute.
I 100% support a platonic bromance between Mike and Phone Guy XD (though my OTP for this franchise is Purple Phone, yeah, no judging me please I know I suck but in my AU it makes sense I swear)
Adding the Youtubers was a classy move, I must admit.
All in all, 9.5/10, would read again. I don't give it 10/10 because of the ships and the fact that Phone Guy was blonde XD
Yuyake no Okami chapter 3 . 8/13/2015
Mark? Jack? I see what you did here...
JettheHunter chapter 3 . 8/11/2015
Hm Mark, Wade and Bob...seems oddly familiar XD
SidTheMLGkid chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
you made mike seem surprised when he said "chica" when freddy could have been talking to a girl employee because "chica" in spanish means girl, so for all mike could know, freddy could be talking to a girl.
FireFox Vixen chapter 5 . 6/25/2015
Nightmare Taco chapter 5 . 6/11/2015
Thanks for replying in the author's note! I lost my password so I'm not logged in but I look forward to other FanFics you make! You are amazing at writing these and they're so good! Keep writing!
-Nightmare Taco
mamamu-yan chapter 5 . 6/7/2015
im devastated i didn't get the chance to review this while in progress. this would have been a fantastic story to eagerly await chapter updates for. honestly, i was in shock when i read that this was the last chapter! i was so pulled in, i was actually ready to punch something. but i didn't, so it's all good.

but yeah, for such a short story, you really managed to lay it out and make it feel like it was about 10 chapters long or so. you organized it perfectly; talking about mike's background, establishing good character development for him and the animatronics and your whole AU in a small capacity, that's truly amazing. and mike, my god do i love him. i giggled and grew sympathetic with him in practically every situation. your version of him is by far one of the best i've ever came across.

even though i've read stories that use the whole freddy is the leader and he knows the fucked up shit that's going on, but the other three, his "underlings", aren't aware, you've portrayed it in a way that left me satisfied. that both sides were able to reach a level where they could tolerate each other (in mike's case, at least he can pretend). the main four having the mind's of children and committing themselves to protect them is also common, but again, you executed it nicely. especially freddy. he tried to be so tough and intimidating to mike but all his barrier's were broken once the children came. it was heartwarming i couldn't tAKE IT. and the freddy/bonnie...i personally friggin LOVE that ship, but for some reason can't portray it in a way i like, so i get internally happy when i see/read about it ;o;

NOW i know people exaggerate when they say "i like, literally cried at this" but i swear on my life my friend when i say that i got a little misty eyed with your exchanges between mike and phone guy. no kidding, a tear or two escaped and i felt so much for them, ESPECIALLY the moment where they hugged for the first time and they saw each other's human forms. that's like the really deep shit that you see in a cartoon show that's directed towards kids BUT STILL GETS REALLY EMOTIONAL that even grown adults get fucked up? yes yes, your whole concept of the "freddy room" and the lingering after life is undoubtedly heart wrenching, and i felt the pain, but i also felt joy when they make light of their fate. (also, mike's anguish over never seeing his mother again, which is a weakness of mine...strong bonds between child and mother, it kills me and this fiction practically killed me with that. THANKS).

i can't get over how wonderfully this was conceived and written, i might be over doing it, but this is how i get when i read something REALLY good. i was almost angry when i saw it ended so soon, but then found out you're planning on writing a squeal and prequel...THAT i will be patiently for, and just for that, you earned yourself a follower and a favorite.

Guest chapter 5 . 5/30/2015
It cant end here its so good
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