Reviews for The Junior Witch and the Journalist
ASWF chapter 2 . 3/21/2018
omg this is one of those unexpected crossovers that seem absurd at first glance but end up being sheer brilliance :'))
Sheelahdog chapter 2 . 1/2/2017
I was really enjoying this. I wish you continued it.
Dwarrior chapter 2 . 8/30/2015
This is an AWESOME story. Why didnt you carry on with it. I also obsess over the Tintin books, have ever since my dad handed me Crab with the Golden claws. I fell in love with the stories, and soon after I started working myself, aquired all of the books to read as many times as I choose. I still cannot decide on just 1 favourite though. I just watched Kiki's Delivery service, and as is my usual Mo, after viewing it for a 2nd time, I came hunting fanfiction... Great job... Now, I'm going hunting for that other Tintin story you mentioned...
Speculatrix chapter 1 . 5/7/2015
Nice! Props for making it a standalone from your other Tintin fic! At least I think it's a standalone.